Truth Seekers, Healers,
Lightworkers, Starseeds,
Awakening Ones!
What if there was a faster, easier, and more rewarding way to become fully conscious and achieve 5D Oneness?
It really is possible!
Are you feeling:
✵ Tired and stressed trying to keep up with all the changes?
✵ Frustrated, sometimes disheartened because you’re not as far along as you’d like?
✵ Distressed, like you’re running out of time?
✵ Unclear about how to get from your current state to 5D?
✵ Confused and conflicted by all the mixed messages?
✵ Puzzled and perplexed that it’s taking so long?
✵ Or maybe just ready to take your evolution to the next level?
We understand!
Get fresh perspectives and approaches that speak directly to your needs and goals.
If authentic spiritual awakening is your priority, we can show you HOW to progress...and offer empowering facilitation along the way.
Clear, simple, masterful.
Heart-centered, Love-based, Joy-inspiring.
Profound and advanced...beyond anything this world has yet known.
Yes, you can:
✵ Feel more at ease while flowing with the changes.
✵ Relax and feel good about how far you’ve come while recognizing there’s more to go.
✵ Feel clear and confident that you’re exactly where you need to be each moment.
✵ Come to understand your unique path to 5D and effectively progress yourself daily.
✵ Increasingly live in-tune with the Divine in every step you take.
✵ Feel at peace with your pace, enjoy the journey, and accelerate your evolution all at the same time.
✵ Discover new levels of spiritual awakening no matter how new or advanced you are on the path.
✵ And therefore naturally progress the Awakening of Heaven on Earth.
With Joyous Awakening
Make sense out of the jumble.
Get to your own Knowing.
Learn from those with lived experience.
Live your Soul’s mission.
Increase your ease, joy, and fulfillment along the way.
Earth life has its challenges.
Evolution can feel painful at times.
Navigating it can be confusing.
But it doesn’t have to be unpleasant.
And it can even become fun!
Choose the options that speak to you!
Sacred Geometry Artwork
Insightful Writings & Packages
Liberating Live Events
Awesome Audios
Transformational Sessions
Potent Podcasts
The Joyous Awakening Team
We are a small group of family and friends — multi-passionate, multi-dimensional intuitives, teachers, facilitators, healers, channels, writers, and artists working with the Angels and a vast Collective of ancient ET Ascended Masters. We collaborate on projects and services that support, ease, and advance spiritual evolution, healing, transformation, and The Great Awakening occurring in humanity. Our works are for spiritual people who choose to heal their past and to grow into and live thriving, peaceful, prosperous lives on the journey of evolving into 5D Oneness Consciousness.