Personal Sessions
Channeled Mentoring * Healing & Transformation Facilitation * Intuitive Insights
Click on each image for more information & scheduling.
Spiritual Mentoring with Jaraan Onai
Personal Empowerment Sessions with the ET Ascended Masters & Angels channeled by Jaraan Onai
Transformation Sessions with SomRa An’Ryka
Personal Channeled Sound Attunements with SomRa An’Ryka
Quantum Techniques with Isaac Moore
Intuitive Dual Sessions with Re’Zhae & SomRa
Multidimensional Space Clearing & Optimization
with SomRa & Coudon Ba’ - ET Ascended Master channeled by Jaraan Onai
Quantum Dual Sessions with SomRa & Isaac
(Coming soon)
Intuitive Readings with Re’Zhae Ashley
(Coming soon)