Awaken your Joy * Harmonize your Life
Sacred Geometry fine art created by SomRa An’Ryka using an ancient,
mystical process . . . all done by hand, using no measurements.
A harmonious union of
Heart and Mind,
softness and structure,
beauty and will,
enthusiasm and precision,
wonderment and recognition.
SomRa’s work speaks to the viewer’s Soul,
awakening Its Knowing,
while stimulating the intellect
and resonating in the Heart.
That is what SomRa’s work is about . . .
and the sense of Joy that Unity brings.
Do you like easy transformation...
where you don’t have to do anything
but simply ENJOY something?
Imagine Harmony & High Vibes all day long . . .
Sip your morning drink in divine serenity, feeling inspired to embrace the day.
Capture your creative ideas in the perfect notebook that also
activates them.
Feel the bliss of heart and mind harmonizing as your thoughts quiet in meditative gaze.
Enjoy smoother workflows, staying upbeat
and focused.
Feel a wave of
“All is well” whenever you check the time.
Feel energized, confident, and connected throughout your day.
Feel joyful and centered while going about your shopping errands (and radiating joy to others too!)
Give gifts to your loved ones that can uplift their spirits.
Relax on the couch in comforting peace as you wind down from the day.
Keep your crystals, jewelry, and other special items in a beautiful box that charges them with the harmony of the Universe
day and night.
Glow with Appreciation as you write in your Gratitude Journal just before drifting into blissful dreamtime…
Awaken Harmony Artworks are available in a variety of options for your healing, awakening, and enjoyment.
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Or continue scrolling to learn more about the Artist and Sacred Geometry.
About The Artist & Creation Process
SomRa An’Ryka is a Spiritual Awakening Teacher & Facilitator, Walk-In, Sound Channel, and Visual Artist creating images of Sacred Geometry and abstract symbology. Sacred Geometry is the study and understanding that everything in Creation is based on specific, measurable geometric sequences and ratios that can be recognized when one knows how to look for them. A sunflower, a crystal, or a nautilus shell are obvious examples. But even weeds, trees, the human body, and the distances between planets are all based on these ratios. The whole universe is designed, not random...and deep within us we knows this.
From the Artist: “After some basic training in Sacred Geometry, I would measure, do calculations, and aim for particular shapes. But not long after that, I went through an inner transformation that led me to live more fully through my Heart from my Soul Self’s perspective, rather than predominantly through intellect. And so in my art, I naturally began to just Know, to express Sacred Geometrical ratios and designs from that place within. Now I do no calculations and rarely do a single measurement. With only a compass and a straight edge, I simply start drawing, each moment attuning to what’s next. To say it’s a magical experience is an understatement. It’s as if the design is alive and speaking to me line by line. That’s why I now call it ‘Intuitive Geometry.’ As I work, I’m often amazed. Each line, curve, angle, and shape is automatically perfect in the sense that it’s naturally expressing a sacred pattern of this world or the higher planes. I marvel at these moments, at the Creator, the Master Designer creating with and through me. I feel focused and elated at the same time. We are One in this dance.”
SomRa’s primary choice of medium is professional colored pencils. “They allow exceptional precision along with workability like no other medium.” All work is done by hand without any computer manipulation. “It takes a lot of time, care, and conscientious attention verses the now common, rapidly-made digital images we see everywhere. There is certainly convenience and usefulness in digitally created images. I like making those too! But that’s an entirely different experience and for entirely different purposes. To me, the most valuable and profound qualities – a certain kind of rich vibration, presence, and meaningfulness – can only come through what is created via the mystical sacred geometrical process by hand, heart, and spirit.
“I create my work as an artistic expression of light, color, design, Sacred Geometry, Higher Awareness, and multidimensionality — all as a means to bring beauty, inspiration, and healing to one’s environment. The viewer may use a piece in a number of ways. Some use it as a feng shui correctional object. Others as a healing tool or meditation piece. Still others as a print of fine art. However one sees it, it’s meaningful to me how a piece can so easily align the viewer’s mind with the Heart and speak to the Soul.”
Whether you are exploring the multiple dimensions of a piece or using it as a meditation or healing tool, an ideal way to experience it is to first softly gaze into the center. Then while keeping your eyes on the center, allow your awareness to fall on all shapes of a specific color. As you relax, you can begin to see dimensions you may not have noticed before. Different layers come forward, depending on how they are perceived. Don’t think. Feel. Let your Higher Self communicate with you through feeling and awareness. Let insights come. Let yourself just Be. Stay with it a while or move your awareness (while still keeping your eyes in the center) to another color or layer and experience it again. Dimensions within dimensions, levels within levels exist within each design, just like in the designs of your own life. (Note: This process works best with paper or canvas prints 16 x 16 or larger.)
These images are tantalizing to the physical senses while facilitating a spiritual experience, reflecting the Radiance and Beauty within each of us. “I want to see it in myself. I need reminding. Viewing my work does that for me. I Am light, color, and brilliance. And as I see that in me, I see it in all others, which in turn brings it out in them. And when we see it and feel it in ourselves and each other, a harmony occurs. It’s always there but is not so easily detected when we’re looking at what we think is wrong about ourselves and the world. We tend to forget about the Beauty and what living on Earth is really about. I believe my work reminds us of our Truths. Not some ideal we hope for but a Truth that’s here now. The more we understand that, the more the world becomes a safe, inviting place to us. We literally change our experience of reality.”
Continue reading more below about Sacred Geometry, the creation story of each artwork, and SomRa’s Personal Artist Story.
Or click here to VISIT ART STORE.
About Sacred Geometry
Sacred Geometry refers to a set of mathematical principles and laws that govern the design and construction of the universe. Ancient cultures including the Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese and more all utilized in the power of Sacred Geometry in various facets of life. Today, scientists and mathematicians across the world continue to explore and unpack its mysteries.
Sacred Geometry is the study of the patterns and shapes that are repeated throughout nature, from the spiral of a seashell to the hexagonal shape of honeycombs. This repeating pattern is known as a fractal and is the building block of everything in the universe. It’s even built into your DNA.
You don’t have to understand Sacred Geometry in order to benefit from it. It’s instinctive. Just notice how you feel when you view it. Its innate balance and harmony can evoke positive states within you.
Common examples and uses:
Buildings & Feng Shui: Many ancient monuments such as the Great Pyramids and Stonehenge have been designed according to the principles of Sacred Geometry. Their shapes and proportions have been carefully calculated to create specific, powerful energetic effects both within and outside the structures. Also, in Feng Shui placing a Sacred Geometry image or object in specific rooms or areas within a space can significantly enhance the energies of that environment.
Healing: Different shapes and patterns have different energetic properties and can be used to stimulate or calm certain parts of the body, mind, and emotions. For example, the spiral shape of a seashell has been found to have a calming effect on the nervous system, while the triangle shape is associated with strength and stability.
Meditation and spiritual practices: By focusing on particular shapes and patterns in a relaxed way, we can tap into the energy of the universe, connect with our higher selves, and experience deep levels of peace, joy, and bliss. Sacred Geometry Art can enhance this experience even more. The transformational effects on the viewer occur from the unique energies and sacred process expressed through the artist when created by hand, not just from the final image itself.
Explore what’s possible for you! Click here to VISIT ART STORE, or continue reading below about SomRa’s Personal Artist Story and the story behind each Sacred Geometry artwork.
SomRa’s Personal Artist Story
Personally, I've always had a propensity for art. So have all my Walk-Ins. But in the early days I never really felt joy in it. Though I took art courses in school and University, I had no mentors or passionate role models who loved doing art. It was just something you do – or were expected to do – if you had the gift.
After a major Walk-In and spiritual awakening occurred at 17, my passion and career trajectory shifted from musician and artist to becoming a metaphysical spiritual teacher and healer. But that wasn’t an available option at University. So I continued to major in Art/Painting while actively developing and working as a healer, bodyworker, coach, and spiritual teacher.
I took a variety of courses in various media to complete my Fine Arts Degree. Painting, pottery, weaving, sculpting, etc. I was a good sketch artist and decent painter, doing especially well with portraits and objects. Fabric and hair were my favorite subjects.
Hooded Woman
SomRa © 1986
charcoal & pencil
Lady in Gown
SomRa © 1985
charcoal & pencil
But nothing really spoke to my Inner Being. I longed for more . . . something with deeper meaning. I resonated most with the works and thought processes of Leonardo de Vinci and M.C. Escher. But there just never seemed to be enough time to deeply explore those processes . . . let alone discover my own.
Meanwhile, the professors seemed to focus only on either skill development or conceptual development. Many of them were fine teachers in those arenas, as well as great people and artists. Yet, none ever spoke of joy, passion, or enthusiasm about the process nor of the result of creating art.
Though I did well enough and got mostly top grades, there was something profoundly missing. I just couldn’t feel thrilled about creating landscapes or portraits – images of things that already existed. If I was going to create images, it made more sense to me to create what’s never been seen before in the physical world. But I wasn’t sure how to make that happen.
Self-Portrait on Blue
SomRa © 1987
oil on canvas board
Self-Portrait in Concave Doorknob
SomRa © 1986
pastel & charcoal
This humorous yet contemplative study of how the shape of a reflective surface can distort an image was influenced by
M.C. Escher’s work.
Just before my 3rd year at University – with my passions ever full-on in the arena of spiritual development, teaching, and healing – something occurred that seemed to stop time for a few moments. Visiting a metaphysical bookstore, I saw a beautiful, soothing spiritual painting of an ethereal scene in seemingly other-worldly colors. A thought came to me in that moment: “I wonder if art could be created that heals.” This wondering was like a seed that got planted in the back of my mind. And it began to take root.
“Healing” to me was always more than just about the body. A person’s body – and whatever conditions are happening within it – is an expression of that person’s consciousness (the emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of self). Transforming one’s consciousness is what leads to true, complete healing.
My Acoustic
SomRa © 1988
charcoal & pencil
It wasn’t long after my curiosity was sparked about “art that heals” that another “stop-time” moment occurred. It catalyzed a major turning point in my art direction. I had just completed a meticulous project for clay modeling class of a miniature Stonehenge-like, eye-shaped monolith. Always fascinated by the calculated geometry and esoteric, energetic purposes of ancient temple structures, I came up with the eye-monolith idea when given the assignment to create a miniature structure out of clay. During progress evaluations, my professor sat me down in his office and said point-blank, “You’re different from the other students whole just strike something out. You see things in your mind first. I believe you are a designer artist.”
What??? I knew very little about design . . . except that for years I was coming up with all kinds of inventions and design improvements for household things – things that would improve daily life and on a bigger scale. But with no real encouragement and no means or knowledge of how to bring those inventions to life, they all remained in my head or got overridden by other priorities.
So what did my professor mean in terms of art? I switched my major to Art/Design to find out. And lo and behold, in design classes I felt far more at home. I understood design concepts and processes instantly. This helped me complete my Fine Arts Degree with honors, and with a clearer since of meaning and purpose in my visual art.
Sunset Blues
SomRa © 1990
acrylic on canvas
Cosmic Swirl
SomRa © 1991
acrylic on mat board
But meanwhile, nothing came close in priority to my rapid spiritual expansion and the natural skills, talents, interests, and insights emerging through it. I was already doing energy and bodywork through my small but growing professional practice and teaching basic classes in spiritual development and alternative wellness. As I continued down that path for years after completing my BFA, art remained mostly in the background. Perhaps it was waiting for right timing – for some magical moment when my specific skills, gifts, interests, and enthusiasms could all converge into a niche that felt like Me.
Maple Leaf Relief
SomRa © 2001
pine wood relief sculpture
I’ve had many lifetimes as a sculptor, including in Atlantis. I’ve been able to reactivate the ability fairly easily. Maple Leaf Relief is the 2nd wood sculpture I’ve ever done in my current life. I carved it in a continuing ed class while studying a leaf I’d picked up from my yard.
Source Codes - 1
SomRa © 1998
charcoal & pencil
This is one of a series of charcoal images I also create containing codes that activate Soul memory attributes and Star Family connection.
It happened in the mid-1990’s when I took training in Sacred Geometry and Metrology. Sacred Geometry was one of many interests floating about my consciousness with rarely time to explore it. As a child, I could feel an alive consciousness in the language of numbers – as layers of codes communicating from dimensions beyond what was commonly thought of as “the regular world.” And back then — long before I’d ever heard of Nikola Tesla — I recognized there was something mystically significant about 3, 6, and 9 and how their patterns repeated throughout multiplication and division tables. I found this exciting and extremely intriguing.
On my early adulthood spiritual path, when I’d come across anything related to Sacred Geometry I felt the interconnectedness of geometry and mathematics with spirituality very compelling. The coincidences of seemingly random patterns and numbers throughout all creation in the universe was mind-blowing, thrilling, stimulating . . . and something I KNEW deep within my Being. (These subjects were also an expertise of my Soul Walk-In of that time period. I, SomRa, am currently the 6th Soul living my present lifetime.)
So when this Sacred Geometry workshop crossed my path, I had to investigate. The most meaningful of all that I learned was an ancient process of creating Sacred Geometry images. These were unique images that “had never been seen before” . . . images that facilitate healing, transformation, and expansion of consciousness, for both the creator and the viewer.
In this process of creating Sacred Geometry images, no measuring of any kind is used. A compass, straight edge, and colored pencils are the only tools needed. These tools soon became as sacred and alive to me as the images we create together. They are like a crystal healer’s stones, a wizard’s wand wielding beneficial change through a metaphysical process. My drafting table feels like a healing table, an altar. Relaxed, humble, and guided, as my designs unfold, my heart blooms. Each shape tells me what color it is to be and how it is appear. As I shade the piece, I deepen into evermore laser focus. Mind becomes quiet. I dance in the Inner Stillness of Soul. My consciousness expands. I am at peace. I am healed.
I had finally found what I’d been looking for in my art: art that heals, has never been seen before, is engaging, is a joy to create, and has enthralling mystical meaning to me . . . art that fits Me.
All of this and much more goes into each piece that my tools, Source, and I create together. And now as we share our art with you, we wish you well-being, healing, joy, connection, and higher consciousness. Relaxed gazing into any of my Sacred Geometry art pieces for several minutes has this potential. Yet even just having them around your environment can enhance and harmonize the energy of your space and evoke positive inner states of being: Inner Harmony, emotional upliftment, Heart opening, mental clarity, creativity activation, consciousness expansion, Soul memories, and anything else you and your Higher Self desire for you.
Whatever the case may be for you, simple enjoyment, beauty, and harmony are always naturally beneficial.
May you be blessed.
SomRa An’Ryka
Click here to VISIT ART STORE. Or click on each Description below first to learn about how that artwork was created.
From the Artist: “The design and foundational shading of Harmony in One was the first complete Sacred Geometry piece I created. It started simply as an experiment to see what I could create based on the number 4. I was amazed at what unfolded. It had the look and feel to me of a multidimensional flower-like expression. That motivated some of the color choices and style of shading, while at the same time I still felt led through the whole process in a magical dance.
I had decided it was essentially finished at the time, yet knew it was capable of more. But other life and career things required my attention. It wasn’t until years later that I decided to give it the attention it deserved and really bring out its potential. In fulfilling this, I developed a close relationship with it as it spoke to me every step of the process, informing me what it needed. Harmony in One is now near and dear to my heart. It was the first piece of art I’d ever created in my entire life that was a true joy and pleasant challenge to make from start to finish. I’d finally found my true art calling and genre through this piece. And not only was it was the first Sacred Geometry piece that I completed, it was also the first Sacred Geometry piece I created without any calculations or measurements. The mystical process had begun….”
Harmony in One emanates a harmonic resonance that facilitates Heart Chakra opening and the expression of Heart’s Beauty – the Beauty of our True Being. Its skillful shading and bold, vivid colors create a soft aliveness. They awaken the senses along with a feeling of blossoming Inner Joy and Beauty. Wearing this image or having it in your environment on items that you love can draw forth these qualities within you.
Meditating with relaxed gaze upon the center of Harmony in One can increase a wondrous experience of Inner Blossoming that this image reflects. Within moments of this relaxed practice, the multiple planes of the image reveal themselves as segments appear to move forward and backward. This can facilitate Heart expansion as mind quiets into a deeper state of consciousness, one more in harmony with Source. This meditation works best with fine art prints or canvas 16” x 16” or larger.
Original medium: Professional grade colored pencil on paper
Original size: 10.5” x 10.5” / 26.7cm x 26.7cm
From the Artist: “I started the design of Heart of One with 3 things of interest in mind. First, I wanted to create a Sacred Geometry piece that was based on the number 6 yet had the look and feel of an octagon. Also, after creating the floral, feminine-energy expression of Harmony in One, I was curious to see if I could create a beautiful, inspiring piece that had a more angular, masculine-energy expression. With that in mind, I had the sense that I would be using more blues and greens and less pinks and magenta. The result is not only a stand-alone Sacred Geometry piece but also a wonderful companion with Harmony in One. I love hanging them both near each other in my living and office spaces!”
Heart of One emanates a harmonic resonance that facilitates Heart Chakra opening and the expression of Heart’s Wisdom. The brilliant colors and use of light play off each other in a lively, inspiring dance. Wearing this image or having it in your environment on items that you love can draw forth your Inner Wisdom, Radiance, Vitality, and Joy.
Also, Heart of One can facilitate the opening of pathways in the mind, increasing mind’s awareness of Heart’s Wisdom. This can be experienced in meditation with the viewer’s vision gently gazing at the center while allowing attention to expand, taking in the entire image simultaneously. Within minutes, the multi-dimensionality of the image begins to reveal itself as certain segments seem to “come forward” while others “move back.” And then they reverse. Meanwhile the white lines also facilitate the movement of segments forward and backward in whatever manner the viewer’s mind chooses or needs in the moment, unlocking and opening pathways in consciousness. One’s thoughts become more harmonized and organized. Some viewers have reported a feeling of exhilaration when this happens followed by a sense of peace and clarity of mind. This transformational experience works best with fine art prints or canvas 16” x 16” or larger.
Original medium: Professional grade colored pencil on paper
Original size: 11.5” x 11” / 29.21cm x 27.94cm
From the Artist: “I started out this piece with the desire to create something that was different from my prior ones. Firstly, I was curious to see if a Sacred Geometry piece could be created based on the number 1. I also had the intuitive feeling that a cube-like shape was wanting to present. Additionally, an image had been in my mind’s eye for weeks of two triangles, one on top of the other, with the bottom one being larger, inverted, and having a metallic feel to it. The circles and vesica piscis soon emerged in the Sacred Geometry process. I felt this whole symbol had significant meaning that is a reminder of Soul origins. It’s a key . . . and an inter-dimensional gateway.
Normally when I create a Sacred Geometry piece, I don’t start with any specific image or element in mind; the image manifests on the paper as I go. However, I felt intuitively the image of the triangles was to be my starting place of the entire piece as well as one of the focal points.
Another focal point was the ‘eye’ at the top, which is actually another gateway. This emerged at the very end of creating the entire piece.
The final element I knew I wanted before I started was to incorporate all the colors of the rainbow with the primary one being orange. It’s a color I tended to stay away from in my art since it has a distinctly ‘active’ vibration vs. soothing and it usually doesn’t go well with some of my favored high-vibe colors: magentas, purples, and pinks. I knew I needed to break free of this ‘bias’ and get comfortable with orange. After all, it’s the color most associated with the 2nd Chakra – the Creative Chakra.
This piece became an amazing spiral of radiant light and vibrant colors! I could feel its undulations with every turn and aimed to shade each segment accordingly as the color spectrum unfolded. At the same time, I was to hint at the cuboidal 3-dimensional aspect. This was a bit of a challenge and a delicate balance in creating both impressions simultaneously. But what a marvelous delight when it all came together and the piece became alive!
Having it on various items around my home and creative spaces activates immediate positive feelings and aliveness for me. Whenever it catches my eye, that burst of inspiration is a pleasant surprise every time! An involuntary smile and happy feelings emerge before my mind realizes what happened!”
Core Expression emanates a harmonic resonance that facilitates expression of the viewer’s Inner Being. Radiating from one’s core, it spirals that expression through all the chakras, activating each in balance along the way. Like the Sun naturally shines in just being itself, the viewer is reminded of their own Inner Sun, Power, Presence, Radiance, and Light. Wearing this image or having it in your environment on items that you love can activate and amplify these qualities. Core Expression can also catalyze motivation, creative expression, and realization of creative solutions to any issue or project. Meditating on Core Expression through relaxed gazing with the awareness that it is a reflection can deepen and further amplify these experiences.
Original medium: Professional grade colored pencil on paper
Original size: 11.5” x 13.5” / 29.21cm x 34.29cm
All Rights Reserved. All text, artwork, and artwork images on this site are copyrighted and legal property of Joyous Awakening, LLC.