About The Joyous Awakening Team
Healing & Transformation Facilitation * Intuitive Insights
Channeled Guidance & Mentoring
We are a small group of family and friends — multi-passionate, multi-dimensional intuitives, teachers, facilitators, healers, channels, writers, and artists working with the Angels and a vast Collective of ancient ET Ascended Masters. We collaborate on projects and services that support, ease, and advance spiritual evolution, healing, transformation, and The Great Awakening occurring in humanity. Our works are for spiritual people who choose to heal their past and to grow into and live thriving, peaceful, prosperous lives on the journey of evolving into 5D Oneness Consciousness.
SomRa An'Ryka
SomRa An’Ryka is an ET Walk-In, Spiritual Awakening Teacher and Facilitator, Visual Artist, and Sound Channel, working in the fields of Energy Psychology, Healing, Personal Growth, Psychospirituality, and the Arts. Since 1989, she has been professionally teaching and facilitating individuals and groups using a unified approach of therapeutic techniques, education, and metaphysical insight. SomRa has authored and taught several courses in Energy Healing, Spiritual Development, and Self-Help. Her professional training includes Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Matrix Reimprinting, EMDR / Bilateral Stimulation, CranioSacral Therapy, SomatoEmotional Release, Etheric Healing, Reiki, Vibrational Aromatherapy, brain research on the long-term effects of trauma, spiritual development and facilitator trainings with the ET Ascended Masters, and more. In 2019, SomRa retired from Bodywork Therapy and hands-on Energywork after 30 years in the field. Having experienced the discovery and recovery of her own extensive childhood abuse trauma of every kind, she offers compassionate clarity and empowering perspectives, wisdom, practices, techniques, mind-body-emotion healing, and trauma recovery.
SomRa assists sincere, self-responsible Truth Seekers, Starseeds, Healers, and Lightworkers to free themselves from their internal blocks to personal fulfillment and living their Divine Magnificence right here in the Earth Plane. She is a representative of a path of Evolution, Awakening, and Ascension developed by a vast collective of ET Masters, many of whom Ascended from various worlds over 355,000 years ago. They offer unique and refreshing perspectives of what it’s all about – this Game and Experiment of descending into Polarity and ascending back into Unity Consciousness. SomRa continues her work with them through multiple offerings that support The Great Awakening of Heaven on Earth.
Education & Experience (abridged)
Facilitator Education & Experience:
Source Attunement Facilitation™ with the ET Ascended Masters
Teacher Training of Source Attunement Facilitation™
Spiritual, Energywork, & Bodywork apprenticeships
Spiritual Awakening Teacher & Mentoring
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
Matrix Reimprinting (MR)
Matrix Birth Reimprinting (MBR)
Soul Reconnecting
Intrinsic Coaching®
SomatoEmotional Release®
Aroma Freedom Technique™
Institute for Brain Potential
Bilateral Stimulation
Sexual Trauma Recovery
Emotional Release
Etheric Healing
Channeled Sound & Energy Healing
Advanced Breatharian Healing
Chemistry of Essential Oils
Emotional Release with Essential Oils
Healing Oils of Ancient ScriptureAdditional Experience:
Angels & Archangels
Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)
12-Step Programs
Quantum Physics
Energy Psychology
HypnosisThe works of Dr. Gabor Mate, Peter Levine PhD, Dr. Robert Scaer MD, Wayne Kritsberg, Michael J. Lincoln PhD, Louise Hay, & others
LINKS: Session Work * Online Courses * Channeled Sound * Live Events * Art Story * Interviews * Sacred Geometry Art Store
Jaraan Onai
Jaraan Onai is a natural teacher and facilitator, Energywork practitioner, author, abuse recovery advocate, and Certified Peer Support Specialist with over 34 years of personal consciousness development experience. Abandoned at birth, enduring almost every childhood trauma there is a name for, Jaraan’s awakening began with a Walk-In in 1988 after a 10-year bout of alcoholism and a near suicide. From that point, he felt compelled to dive deep into the mysteries of heart, mind, and soul. His quest to understand and resolve core traumas that impede growth, healing, and awakening honed his talents as an exceptional channel and transformational facilitator.
Jaraan has been channel of the ET Ascended Masters and Angels since 1994, facilitating individuals and groups with their unique and profound Mastery, Oneness-based teachings.
“I know that no matter how challenging it gets, there are treasures to be found both in the world and within our own exquisite hearts. It’s my mission to help sincere seekers, pathmakers, and Lightworkers find the quickest, easiest, most fulfilling means to manifest their Bountiful Treasures.”
For more information on Jaraan’s channeling work, CLICK HERE to see his podcast interviews on New Earth One Network and at www.youtube.com/@joyousawakening. For his insightful articles, check out joyousawakening.substack.com. Channeled books, classes, and other services can be found through the main menu at www.JoyousAwakening.com.
Re’Zhae Ashley
Re’Zhae Ashley is a psychic intuitive gifted since birth with the ability to perceive auras, angels, energies, and higher guidance plus a heartfelt desire to help people. After religious negative backlash, she suppressed her abilities early on. They resurfaced in her mid 20’s after a breakthrough in her own personal healing and with much support, facilitation, and encouragement from channels and intuitive facilitators Jaraan and SomRa (her father and stepmother). She now offers intuitive facilitation sessions with SomRa and solo readings using her uniquely perceptive healing skills for recipients' personal and spiritual growth. She enjoys providing the detailed insights people need in order to heal and find their True Selves.
Re’Zhae received her first Reiki I training from SomRa at age 10 and Reiki II at age 12. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Liberal Arts & Psychology. She is a working mom and loves travel, beaches, mountains, crystals, essential oils, and riding her motorcycle. Her dream is to do her intuitive work full-time and get a Masters Degree in Psychology.
LINKS: Intuitive Dual Sessions w/ SomRa * Intuitive Readings (coming soon) * Intuitive Insights Podcast
Isaac Moore is a Wellness Practitioner & Spiritual Transformation Facilitator, certified in a cutting-edge healing approach called Quantum Techniques (QT). QT uses a highly developed method of muscle-testing, intuition, and focused intention to meticulously find and clear the frequencies in the unconscious mind and biofield that have been interfering with one’s innate healing ability and personal and spiritual goals. With over 19 years experience working in the field of alternative wellness, he integrates spiritual development, mind-body connection, psychology, nutrition, and fitness to help people heal from various health conditions, including chronic illness sufferers who struggle with seemingly unrelated mystery symptoms. In his group and session work, Isaac combines his scientific background, computer techie and natural puzzle-solver abilities with his developed clairvoyance and clairaudience to eliminate the guesswork and facilitate quicker, more comprehensive and sustaining results. To learn more about Isaac’s healing work, go to www.LetsHealNow.com.
If you’d like to learn more about Isaac’s transformation facilitation work and individual sessions, CLICK HERE to see his interview by SomRa.
LINKS: Quantum Techniques Sessions * Quantum Dual Sessions w/ SomRa (coming soon)
Isaac Moore
Channeled ET Ascended Masters, Sound Masters, & Angels
The ET Ascended Masters & Angels channeled by Jaraan
All of the ET Ascended Masters and Angels channeled by Jaraan Onai have a passion for teaching in a way that is both educational and transformational. They often use the Socratic Method of asking questions to help guide students to their own realizations. In fact, many clients and group participants have realizations during their interactions that lead to immediate and long-term peace, understanding, and greater progress in their growth and evolution. While the teachings are similar in nature, being based in the same Universal Principles, each Master and Angel have their own Presence and manner of expressing.
“When you’re seeking solid solutions, you need someone who’s been through the briar patch themselves and come out the other side better for it. That’s why it’s such a privilege and honor to be the channel for my spiritual Team Mates, who soared far beyond their own tremendous challenges to become the impeccable and extraordinary Ascended ET Masters.” ~Jaraan
CLICK HERE for information on each ET Ascended Master and Angel Collective plus hear audio samples from each.
The Trigalion Sound Masters channeled by SomRa
The Trigalion Sound Masters (TSM) channeled by SomRa An’Ryka are a core group of 33 and extended group of 300-400 ET Ascended Masters from the Collective who specialize in working with sound frequencies to heal, create, facilitate, activate, and transform. They help gracefully dissolve inner blocks to one’s purpose and awaken creative expression. All well-known advanced star systems are represented: Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, Andromeda, Lyra, and many more. SomRa has been channeling TSM since 1996.
Orchestron, The Sound Angel Collective channeled by SomRa
Orchestron is an Angel Collective dedicated to facilitating healing, comfort, and evolution using Transformational Sound, Compassion, and Light-Heartedness. They have chosen the name Orchestron both for its deeper meaning and to emphasize the importance of Light-Heartedness, which they say humanity needs to cultivate more of. This Collective consists of 30-40 Angels of the Legions of Archangels Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, Ariel, Haniel, Sandalphon, Chamuel, and Jeremiel. Additional representatives may participate, such as from the Legions of Uriel, Zadkiel, Jophiel, and Metatron, depending on the event attendees’ needs of the moment. Orchestron works in tandem with all attendees’ and recording listeners’ personal guides and angels during the facilitation.