Audio Teachings & Meditations

The ET Ascended Masters & Angels

Hear unique insights  *  Clarify confusion  *  Expand your consciousness
Gain effective tools  *  Feel the support  *  Advance your path  *  Live confidently!

What if one key insight, perspective, or practice was all it took to profoundly revolutionize your awakening path?

What if one small but crucial step could advance you light-years in your evolution?

What if you could prove to yourself once and for all that struggle is optional?

The ancient ET Ascended Masters and Angels channeled by Jaraan Onai offer a wealth of truly transcendent wisdom. Over the years they’ve shared thousands of such transformational gems. It’s entirely possible that some of those were meant for you.

Are you ready to take your next evolutionary step in awakening? Check out the audio teachings below. Be ready to be inspired, enlightened, and empowered!

“Never before have I experienced such comprehensive spiritual teachings that are also practical and easy to apply. Never before have I experienced such clarity and insights that take me beyond anything this world has to offer. Each time I listen to these recordings, more and more realizations emerge and a deeper level of healing takes place.” ~ D.S.

“Since we’re always evolving, I hear new things — or hear them in a new way — every time I listen to these audios. The ET Ascended Masters’ teachings have truly catapulted my evolution and made it all so much easier! Thank you, thank you!”

Take your spiritual development to the next level…and the next…and the next with Teachings & Meditations with the ancient ET Ascended Masters and Angels!

All audios were recorded during live classes. More will be added soon. Enjoy!

**Scroll past the items below for more details and free audio samples from each Master and the Angels.**

  • Infinite Light Ascension Meditation with Chokai, ET Ascended Master channeled by Jaraan Onai (47 minutes)

    An extraordinary meditation guided by Chokai, ET Ascended Master, this audio was recorded before a Live audience on the auspicious Ascension Gateway 12-21-12. With every use of this meditation, experience:

    * Chakra alignment and Heart unification with the Heart of the Earth, Sun, Galaxy’s Diamond Heart Core, and the Center of this Universe.

    * Increased Love-Light Quotient & Vibrational Rise

    * DNA Light Code Activations

    * Light Body Activations

    * Increased Soul Embodiment

    * Profound Peace & Centering

    * And so much more….

    SomRa has done this meditation several times every year since 2012 with amazing transformation results! "It’s impossible to put in words how meaningful this meditation is to me and how profoundly it has deepened and accelerated my Awakening and Ascension process. I love to play the audio while lying in the Sun shining through my window on the Winter Solstice and throughout the winter months for an even more tangible experience of Light Alignment and Embodiment. Though not the specific purpose of this meditation, it has been instrumental in my body's steady transition to living on Light/Prana rather than physical food (achieved in 2020 via Breatharian training). I am SO Grateful for this meditation.”

    Use this meditation any time your want to feel aligned and experience deeper Oneness with All That Is. Get your copy and accelerate your Ascension today!

  • Clarity with Clarion Collection - The Angel Collective (133 minutes) channeled by Jaraan Onai

    This very special collection of transformational teachings from the Angel Collective called Clarion, provides many opportunities to connect with your own Divine Wisdom and Love. Clarion has a way of distilling broad concepts to their essence and handing you exactly what you need to know to progress your path. And all while holding you in a soothing space of Source Love and Validation.

    Meditations, perspectives, and practical practices are given. A 7-page PDF booklet with journaling questions are provided to help you apply and integrate Clarion’s suggestions. Easily notice your progress with this tool, set of teachings, and the loving guidance of the Angels by your side!

    Clarity with Clarion - Vol 1 (Total Time: 48:30)

    Clarion: “At this time in humanity’s evolution, in your own personal evolution, there are opportunities to let go of that which does not correspond to your Reality and to embrace more of that which does.”

    In this set, Clarion provides an “opportunity to awaken and grow and experience more of the Beauty that you are, more of the Love that you are, more of the Grandeur that you are, more of the Peace that you are” . . . and more. And to make it easier to say yes to what is True for you, what is Joy for you and calmly decline what is not true for you. Includes a deeply meaningful and moving meditation that helps you connect with your own guides and angels and set the stage for receiving the gifts of Source Love available to you.

    1. Attune to Source (14:51 minutes)

    2. Receiving Love Meditation (33:39 minutes)

    Clarity with Clarion - Vol 2 (Total Time 53:15)

    Clarion: “We want to impress upon you and inspire the notion that as you do consciously experience and express the very masterful Presence of Source that you are, that you will naturally call into your experience all that’s required to fully express that mastery in this world.”

    This volume includes Clarion’s teachings that, “Help you to see, feel, and know that Presence that you are much more fully. To help you be in touch with your own Magical Masterful Presence.” “To help you know your own Soul’s majesty a little more clearly, a little more fully, than perhaps you ever have in this life.” Clarion discusses potential impediments and recommends simple ways to help the ego be more receptive to Source. Includes a detailed and empowering 40 minute meditation that guides you connect with your guides and angels, increase awareness of your spiritual Consciousness, attune more fully to your Divine Presence and receive the insights and supportive benefits thereof. Includes a special Bonus track describing various aspects of Who You Are, how to experience your Authentic Self more, and more gracefully evolve.

    1. Your Magical Masterful Presence (7:04 minutes)

    2. Divine Presence Meditation (41:54 minutes)

    3. BONUS - Who You Are (5:17 minutes)

    Clarity with Clarion - Vol 3 (Total Time 32:02)

    Clarion: “We welcome you to take this opportunity to claim more of that which you are, to claim more of the Joy of living, to claim more of the understanding of how Consciousness works, of how life works, of how the Divine works … In this world, it’s taught that it’s supposed to be a lot of work, but it’s truly not. It doesn’t have to be that way. ”

    Clarion shares this deeply inspirational message to help you experience more of your True Divine Nature and the many blessings and gifts that result. They offer ways to receive “whatever is required for your Joyous expression in this world, whether that be material things, attitudes, beliefs, information.” Includes a deeply soothing and inspiring 21 minute meditation to “receive a gift of the Divine right from within your own Heart, right within you own Soul.”

    1. Inspiration & Inner Peace (10:53 minutes)

    2. Inspiration & Inner Peace Meditation (21:09 minutes)

    **PDF Booklet: Journaling Questions - Clarity with Clarion (7 pages)

  • Mastering Manifesting - Chokai

    channeled by Jaraan Onai (Total time: 1:23:47)

    In this teaching, Chokai goes far beyond the mechanics of manifesting to provide in-depth insights, perspectives, and practices to enhance all aspects of one’s life, evolution, and awakening. He turns conventional approaches on their heads. This dialogue also contains a wonderful Q&A with attendees.

    Some highlights:

    • Some critical questions to ask to advance your spiritual path.

    • What people really want when they say they want the house, the car, the relationship, etc.

    • One thing to do if you are interested in spiritual growth, awakening, achieving mastery.

    • The reason you have desires.

    • The truth about Abundance.

    • The approach by which all that you desire manifests.

    • A particularly important habit to develop.

    • An empowering 30-day plan to rapidly accelerate awakening.

    • How to discern between ego-based desires and Soul intentions.


    1. Your Purpose

    2. Re-Create Your Life

    3. Manifesting Desires

    4. 30-Day Plan

    5. Manifesting & Discerning Desires - Q&A

    6. Feeling Joy - Q&A

    7. Pre-Lifetime Planning - Q&A

  • Determining Your Destiny - Azh’ra Kai (Total Time 51 minutes)
    channeled by Jaraan Onai

    In this dialogue, 12D female ET Ascended Master Azh’ra Kai starts by posing some profoundly thought-provoking questions about unsuspected impediments to awakening. She reveals:

    * The surprising folly of hope

    * A condition that, regardless of positive affirmations or other efforts, “will certainly impede if not entirely thwart what you want to accomplish”

    * One hidden belief to look for if you’re doing everything right and it’s still not happening

    * What to do to “get a lot more done more quickly with a lot less effort”

    This compelling, consciousness-expanding teaching provides numerous insights and suggestions to advance evolution and achieve your destiny. Includes a powerful 20+ minute contemplation meditation for manifesting your desired reality.


    1. Negating Expectations

    2. Determining Your Destiny

    3. Contemplation Meditation

    Azh’ra Kai: “Many people in this world feel victimized by circumstances. There’s a sense of hopelessness that comes with that. But that’s when it’s more important than ever to determine your own destiny.”

  • Creating Your Ideal Life (Total Time: 41 minutes)
    Master Chan channeled by Jaraan Onai

    In this lovingly uplifting teaching, Master Chan dives deeply into sharing consciousness-raising perspectives on life that are important for people on a spiritual path. This teaching also includes:

    * What it means to live your Truth

    * Important reasons you are here in this dimension

    * A common experience generally considered indispensable that actually denies the Potential that’s available to you

    * A supremely important reason why we have desires

    * How True Understanding is gained

    * How you discover what’s really possible for you, which, as he puts it, “so far transcends what you believe is possible for you as to be almost unimaginable.”

    And this is just in the first 10 minutes!

    Feel relieved, lightened, and empowered as you learn and experience shifts in your consciousness that progress your path with greater ease.

    Master Chan: “You don’t have to fix it all before happy happens.”

  • Becoming Soul Savvy (51 minutes) with Cou’don Ba’ channeled by Jaraan Onai

    In this teaching and facilitation, Cou’don Ba’ elaborates upon Source, Its Nature, and Its desires for you and how It works with you. He offers:

    * Encouragement on the path
    * A gift you can give to yourself to support your path
    * A trait you can develop that makes life more fun, more naturally joyful, more effortless, and to get more access to what you need when you need it
    * A Personal Peace Meditation
    * And much more

    As these perspectives and practices are offered with candid clarity, your own Inner Knowing can be activated without hesitation. You’ll also receive helpful ways to open your heart, your mind, and your life to a much grander experience of Being.


    1. Being Soul Savvy

    2. Personal Peace Meditation

    3. Benefits of Being

    4. Maximizing Fulfillment

    Excerpts from Cou’don Ba’:

    “… Just because your expectations weren’t met, that doesn’t mean the Universe isn’t on your side. The Universe is not here to support you in manifesting your ego’s expectations. It’s here to support you in manifesting your [Divine] Perfection, which may be dramatically different from what you’ve been conditioned to expect is possible for you.”

    “It’s really more about being. And when you get in touch with the Beingness that you are, the doing comes naturally. You get in touch with the Being you are, the doing flows effortlessly. And you know exactly what to do, when to do, how to do, or you know how to find out the information you need … to know how to do, no matter what it is. Can you accept that gift – that gift of being you?”

  • Empowering Evolution - Cou’don Ba’ (Total Time: 51 Minutes)

    channeled by Jaraan Onai

    Are you ready for a more enjoyable and easier way to advance your path?

    In this teaching, Cou’don Ba’ introduces a radical departure from typical spiritual growth approaches. He shares:

    * Ways to act from a place of true power to transform our lives using 5D Oneness wisdom

    * Ways to attune to and manifest that higher level expression of who we are

    * Key empowering questions to ask (and to avoid!) in order to access genuine spiritual power and the joy, peace, and love that comes from aligning with that

    1. Empowering Evolution
    2. Choosing Your Joy
    3. Q&A – Mind and Heart
    4. Q&A – Cooperation and Integration
    5. Q&A – Opening to More

    (Audience voices have been altered for privacy.)

    Cou’don Ba’: “A lot of the rules and ways of doing life, until very recently – they don’t really apply, they don’t really work very well any more . . . Consciousness is shifting. You’re shifting right along with it. There are different ways that are more effective in this version of reality. You’re actually ascending into a different cultural context, spiritual speaking. It’s easier as a general rule, certainly simpler. It doesn’t require as much effort – not nearly as much effort as you’ve been accustomed to applying – to create something, to change something, to experience life. That’s one of the advantages of this evolving consciousness. But if your mind is stuck on, ‘I’ve got to work really hard to make it happen,’ and it’s not working no matter how hard you work, then that’s probably why.”

Quotes from the ET Ascended Masters:

Chokai: “To know what you truly want — wonder. It won’t come from your mind. So you have to be open to experiences outside your normal context.”


Alarion: “There are many schools teaching many subjects, all of which may have some relevance to your life path at some point. And yet, the learning that’s going to take you beyond this dimension has to come from the beyond this dimension.”


Azh’ra Kai: “One person who knows how Grand they are more than compensates for a hundred thousand people trying to prove that they’re okay.”


Master Chan: “It’s always okay to accept help. There is only one Consciousness with many expressions of It. The helper is a part of you.”

Jaraan Onai has been channeling the wisdom, healing, and facilitation of the ET Ascended Masters and Angels through trainings, books, and more since 1994.

Some participants comments:

“To say ‘Thank you’ is just not enough. These are the teachings I’ve been looking for all my life. I am profoundly Grateful.” ~ J.L.

“The teachings and reflections of these ancient ET Ascended Masters and Angels help me get in touch with my own Inner Knowing and connect it with my conscious mind in a way that I can actually use it, live it, and express it in my daily life. To say my spiritual evolution has accelerated is an understatement! My joy and peace grows every day!” ~ A.D.

“I am so grateful for the teachings that have gotten me through some very tough challenges. I’ve found that everything is more than it seems.” ~ W.S.

“You have no idea how special these teachings are for me. I am grateful, grateful, grateful!” ~ P.R.

“I always wanted to be perfect. When I wasn’t perfect, I judged myself harshly. My greatest gift from practicing these teachings is learning to Love all aspects of myself, my Divinity and my humanity — the ‘good,’ the ‘bad,’ the ‘ugly,’ and the ‘beautiful.’ I am in the process of transforming myself from a terrified person who desperately wanted to leave the planet into someone who is embracing all of life, including all of myself. I’m so happy to be here! From the depths of my heart, I thank the Masters, Jaraan, and my Soul.” ~ S.B.

“Thanks a million times over for these recordings! They offer me so much joy, hope, and love. I can never thank you enough!” ~ P.R.

“Thank you, Jaraan, for all that you do. I have always felt your channeling was the best I have every experienced. I appreciate your dedication to your work.”
~ R.M.

“Without your awesome dedication, spiritual gifts, and openness to divine guidance and Love, none of us in this world would be able to approach transformation of our lives with such potential Grace, Ease, and even Joy! We would be walking around stunned, believing ourselves to be wounded and accumulating even more pain, surrounded by pieces of the vast and dark-looking puzzle, barely conscious of the polaric environment with no effective way to transcend that perspective or see ourselves as we really are. We’d still be debating polarity concepts — what’s right/wrong? Good/evil? Peace/war? Love/hate? — to little avail without the ET Ascended Masters’ teachings that open the door to a virtual express lane to Unity Consciousness.” ~ J.J.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • An Ascended Master is a Being that has resolved all karmic ties and polarity-based misunderstandings and conflicts, Consciously reunited with Source, and re-entered Oneness Consciousness. Even then, they may be at different levels of Consciousness within Oneness. In our model of this created Universe, there are 13 dimensions total. Ascended Masters exist in the 5th to 13th Dimensions, and beyond this created Universe. All Ascended Masters exist in these dimensions, but not all beings in these dimensions are Ascended Masters (i.e. have lived thousands of lifetimes in polarity then unified their consciousness from all these experiences and transcended polarity).

  • As we understand it, an Ascended Master is a Soul that has incarnated as some form of sentient life in polarity for thousands of lifetimes, then awakened, evolved, and Ascended their consciousness back into Oneness. Angels are manifestations of Source that evolve differently and have generally not incarnated, but serve as helpers, protectors, messengers, and many other functions according to their Divine Nature.

  • This could be a very long answer. In short:

    • to experience a reflection of your own radiant Soul

    • to learn perspectives and practices hard to find elsewhere that might take years to discover on your own

    • to be more directly and obviously embraced in the Presence of Unconditional Love, Peace, and Joy

    • to receive an energy boost, feel uplifted, inspired, encouraged, motivated

    • to grow in understanding of how Consciousness really works

    • to get empowering insights, perspectives, and answers to important spiritual growth questions

      . . . just to name a few.

  • They say they read our energy and rarely look into the 3D physical manifestations. They also say that they see where we are within ourselves and where we are aspiring to be as Souls . . . and aim to help us bridge that gap. Although, quite often they answer audience members unspoken questions and they have used references personally meaningful to those they are sharing with. But to speak to the question potentially behind that question, the Masters and Angels Jaraan channels are very non-judgmental, caring, and light-hearted.

  • Skeptics welcomed. However, cynicism could be an impediment to objectivity. As Jaraan put it: “It doesn’t matter to me if you believe I’m channeling or not. But if you hear something that can help you heal and grow spiritually – that’s what matters.” However, most people can sense the notable uplifting Presence of the Ascended Masters and Angels as they “arrive” to communicate through Jaraan.

  • No. Those Jaraan channels are master teachers of spiritual wisdom for the purpose of Awakening, Evolution, achieving Oneness with All that Is, and Ascension. Questions asked of the ET Masters and Angels channeled by Jaraan will be answered in this context. Their purpose is to provide transformational education and facilitation, always affirming our free will choices, encouraging discernment, and offering perspectives that allow you to understand yourself and situations, become more personally spiritually empowered, and make more effective choices aligned with your Soul’s path.

  • Jaraan is a conscious channel. This basically means he is aware of the experience while channeling, but remains a step back as the Masters and Angels communicate through him. He says that afterwards it’s like waking from a dream and the memory soon fades, save for anything channeled that may also apply to his personal evolutionary path.

    Since Jaraan’s relationship with the ET Ascended Masters and Angels began in the early 1990’s, he maintains absolute clarity and integrity regarding who he allows to speak through him.

  • Since they are teachers, questions of a spiritual or personal growth nature are favored. How-to questions are especially welcomed. For example, How do I resolve this issue? Or how do I discern the best choice? When asked questions like, “when will I get that job, relationship, etc?” they generally answer by teaching how to manifest what you prefer, or speak to possible impediments to your progress and how to resolve them from their perspective.

    They maintain that the Power is always within You. Events and outcomes are flexible.

  • Jaraan offers personal consultations on an As Available basis. Right now there is no set schedule or hours of availability. We highly recommend that you purchase one or more channeled audios available on this site. He is also planning to re-start group channeled events by Zoom in the near future. Please subscribe to our newsletter (below) to stay up to date on the latest info and events.

  • We believe these teachings will benefit anyone willing to sincerely apply them. However, no teaching can magically transform your life just by hearing them. Historically, the majority of those who resonate most with these teachings tend to be introverts and empaths. If you are introspective or consider yourself a bit of a mystic and curious about how Consciousness really works, you probably resonate. But if you are any of these, you’ve probably sensed that already. 😉

About Jaraan Onai

Jaraan Onai is a natural teacher and facilitator, Energywork practitioner, author, abuse recovery advocate, and Certified Peer Support Specialist with over 34 years of personal consciousness development experience. Abandoned at birth, enduring almost every childhood trauma there is a name for, Jaraan’s awakening began with a Walk-In in 1988 after a 10-year bout of alcoholism and a near suicide. From that point, he felt compelled to dive deep into the mysteries of heart, mind, and soul. His quest to understand and resolve core traumas that impede growth, healing, and awakening honed his talents as an exceptional channel and transformational facilitator.

Jaraan has been channel of the ET Ascended Masters and Angels since 1994, facilitating individuals and groups with their unique and profound Mastery, Oneness-based teachings.

“I know that no matter how challenging it gets, there are treasures to be found both in the world and within our own exquisite hearts. It’s my mission to help sincere seekers, pathmakers, and Lightworkers find the quickest, easiest, most fulfilling means to manifest their Bountiful Treasures.

When you’re seeking solid solutions, you need someone who’s been through the briar patch themselves and come out the other side better for it. That’s why it’s such a privilege and honor to be the channel for my spiritual Team Mates, who soared far beyond their own tremendous challenges to become the impeccable and extraordinary Ascended ET Masters.”

The ET Ascended Masters & Angels

All of the ET Ascended Masters and Angels channeled by Jaraan have a passion for teaching in a way that is both educational and transformational. They often use the Socratic Method of asking questions to help guide students to their own realizations. In fact, many participants have realizations during their interactions that lead to immediate and long-term peace, understanding, and greater progress in their growth and evolution. While the teachings are similar in nature, being based in the same Universal Principles, each Master and Angel group have their own Presence and manner of expressing. Audio samples of each are provided below.

Clarion is an Angel Collective who’s gentle wisdom, encouragement, and compassion reminds us of who we are. They offer pathways to connect with ourselves, our Soul, and our personal guides and angels for a more progressive, empowered awakening life.

Chokai is a 13D* Ascended Master who ascended from a world in the Pleiades over 401,000 years ago. Caring and light-hearted, he shares profound, comprehensive teachings on the nature of Consciousness and simple, practice tools for spiritual awakening, evolution, and ascension. Chokai loves humor and often shares stories of time with his mentor, lessons learned, and how we may apply those same lessons to advance our evolution today.

*Various channeled collectives divide the dimensions of this Universe in various numerations. Our Collective of ET Ascended Masters use a 13-Dimensional model with 13 being the highest before transcending this Universe. Chokai has already transcended it but currently chooses to remain in 13D to assist during Earth’s and other planets’ current ascension. Chokai is widely known and respected throughout the galaxy as a highly advanced master teacher.

Azh’ra Kai is a 12D Ascended Master who ascended from the same world in the Pleiades as Chokai approximately 26,500 years ago. To advance her ascension path, Azh’ra Kai went forward in time for one Earth life as a nobleman’s daughter in what we call the dark ages. Her experiences in that life were difficult and painful, which helped her develop the deep compassion for humanity that she shares with groups today. Both her presence and her teachings are soothing, uplifting, and progressive.

Master Chan (A.K.A. Toubayachi Chansiti) is an 11D Ascended Master who was originally from Arcturus. He lived 3 lifetimes on Earth, with his most recent ascension being from Atlantis during its Golden Age 34,500 years ago. In that lifetime, he was a spiritual teacher, healer, and mentor, representing a path of Awakening offered by the Collective of ET Ascended Masters which has not been taught on Earth for 26,000 years until Jaraan & SomRa began to share these teachings. Master Chan ascended at the age of 543 during a meditation while on retreat near what is now known as Burnsville, North Carolina. He now channels through Jaraan, sharing with his loving, light-hearted manner stories of his last life and the many teachings that led to his ascension.

Cou’don Ba (pronounced Coe-Don-Bah), is a 9D Ascended Master who specializes in multidimensional and intergalactic gridwork, ley lines, timelines, light patterns, clearing and optimizing energetic environments, and much more. He is part of a group that studies and directs consciousness energy for the evolution of planets and their occupants. This group has been assisting Earth for the last 60,000 years. Cou’don Ba’s most recent Ascension was from a planet in the star system Sirius. His focused, on-purpose style has a way of taking you right to the heart of the matter, facilitating swift clarity at deeper levels than your current reference point.

Click Here for more information about Cou’don Ba’s Multidimensional Space Clearing & Optimization work with SomRa An’Ryka.

B’Nesh (male) and B’Nala (female) are 7D Ascended Master twin brother and sister from a different world in the Pleiades than Chokai’s and Azh’ra Kai’s. They ascended approximately 6,000 years ago. Their natural enthusiasm makes them much loved as teachers, encouraging us to embrace our true power through spiritual understanding. B’Nesh’s style is usually fast-paced while B’Nala’s is gradual, soothing, and comforting. Often while one is speaking through Jaraan the other is working with the listeners’ guides assisting with consciousness adjustments and healing.

Orrin is a 10D Ascended Master who’s ascension from the star system Sirius was one of the fastest on record. His powerful, direct, matter-of-fact teachings remind us of our own power and ability to transform and evolve.

Alarion is a 9D Ascended Master whose most recent ascension was from Arcturus. His calm, compassionate, yet matter-of-fact expression and relatable examples help listeners understand themselves and their evolution process, thus easing and progressing their paths.