Channeled Sound Activations & Meditations
with SomRa An’Ryka
The Trigalion Sound Masters & The Angels
Deepen your inner peace * Support your wellness * Expand your consciousness Activate your power * Awaken to your Soul Self
Channeled Sound Activation Meditations with SomRa An’Ryka, The Trigalion Sound Masters (and sometimes Special Guests), & The Angels lead you on a journey to wherever your Soul takes you within the Universe that is You. Releases of old emotions as well as tears of Joy and a sense of “coming Home” are common during these Activation Meditations. They activate Light Codes and DNA Codes, supporting the awakening and expansion of your True Being, Purpose, and Potential. And they can facilitate profound experiences of healing, awareness, reunion with Soul/Star Family & Friends, and spiritual transformation.
Transformational Sound has the ability to bypass and transmute blocks within the unconscious self that resist the change and self-awareness necessary for having and experiencing what you’re wanting. The Trigalion Sound Masters (TSM) are a collective of over 300 Extraterrestrial Ascended Masters with representatives from The Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, Lyra, Andromeda, and many other star systems. Orchestron is an Angel Collective of 40 Angels with representatives from the legions of Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, Ariel, Jeremiel, Sandalphon, Haniel, and Chamuel. Both TSM and Orchestron embody masterful gifts for using Transformational Sound and Presence to support the Evolution, Awakening, and Ascension of all beings who desire it. SomRa An’Ryka is a conscious participant with them and a part of the TSM collective in this work on Earth and other dimensional worlds.
“SomRa’s Channeled Sound has benefited me greatly because she and the Trigalion Sound Masters are able to dissipate negative energy blocks, and this is an enormous aid in my journey towards wholeness.” ~ Peggy
“I absolutely loved it, as usual. It was really profound. It brought me a sense of rising higher, a kind of euphoria and joy. When I use your Channeled Sound recordings I experience that too. I look forward to the benefits with every passing day, because I do receive them!” ~ C.S.
Scroll down to see more testimonials, information, and FAQ, plus video samples of the effects of sound and intention on matter!
NOTE: For greatest receptivity and best results, lie down while listening. The transformational frequencies are transmitted through any type of speaker and headphones. For a mind-expanding experience, use headphones. For a more full-body experience, use external speakers. To hear the full range of sounds, listen through high-quality speakers with woofers.
All audios were recorded before live audiences except where stated in the descriptions. Enjoy!
Embody Your Soul Presence - Channeled Sound Activation Meditation with SomRa An’Ryka & The Trigalion Sound Masters (45 minutes)
This event was recorded live on Zoom during the auspicious 12-12-23 Soul Gateway, which was and is about expanding your capacity to embody your Soul Presence more and more fully. This meditation and activation assists in the inevitable element of the spiritual awakening process: releasing old ego identity constructs (who you thought you were based on conditioning) and unconscious resistance to living as your Real Soul Self. The effects of this gateway will continue to ripple for a long time. Receiving this audio facilitation once per week (or as guided) can ease and smooth your transitions into greater Soul Embodiment.
Love-Light Language, Tibetan bells, Heart and Throat Chakra singing crystal bowls, plus a soothing rainstick help facilitate deep shifts.
CLICK HERE to see the introductory video! Learn more about spiritual gateways too!
Recipient: “Thank you thank you thank you and your team of star people for this incredible healing journey!”
Recipient: “That was the most profound thing. I have to tell you, I could really feel that so strongly. Just amazing vibrations, chills, sparklies...so much I was feeling through my body. And just a beautiful stillness. A feeling of real open-heart, expanded-heart feeling. When it was over, I was just in stillness for so long. And then I started to cry because it just seemed to open things up for me. It was just utterly, utterly exquisite. I give my thanks to you and to all the beautiful loving Beings that came through you.”
Energize Your Intentions! Channeled Sound Activation Meditation with SomRa An’Ryka & The Trigalion Sound Masters (45 minutes)
This Channeled Sound Activation Meditation is imbued with the Solar Eclipse energies of 10-13-23 to energize your intentions & elevate your consciousness into a more 5D perspective.
This audio offers you the opportunity to use the power of Transformational Sound and the Solar Eclipse energies to shed old beliefs and self-identities that no longer serve you. You can energize your intentions of what you want to feel, realize, experience, express, and create in your life and spiritual development. Boost your Evolution, Awakening, and Ascension. Move forward with new Light . . . and En-lighten-ment!
Love-Light Languages, gentle drumming, Heart and Crown Chakra singing crystal bowls and chimes accompany this transformation experience.
CLICK HERE to see the introductory video!
Recipient: I feel free to be me, Lighter, Brighter, connected to the field. Thank you SomRa & your team!
Recipient: “Thank you so much! I was laughing and in lots of joy. Released tension in sacral area.”
Recipient: “Felt some tension in my body release. My mind has quieted down.”
Recipient: “Such a pleasure — releasing and expanding. Thank you so so much!”
Comfort Through Conscious Connection - Channeled Sound Healing with SomRa An’Ryka & The Angels (54 minutes) Live online recording
Never has it been more important to feel comforted.
Not only does comfort feel good and soothe our nervous systems and emotional and mental bodies, it allows us to see things from a higher perspective.
Whenever you feel comforted, an internal congruence happens. An emotional need is being met. And when that emotional need is met, the distressed parts of you quiet down. And when they quiet down, you automatically have more access to greater insight, guidance, and whatever else may be needed. Internal changes can occur far more gracefully from that space.
There is only one source for Real Comfort – THE Source. Source Love, God’s Love, Divine Care, however you define the One Presence that is in All, that is Infinite Love.
The Angel Collective Orchestron and SomRa bring forth Source’s Infinite Love and Comfort through power of Transformational Sound.
A Message from Orchestron: “Receiving comfort has nothing to do with worthiness. You’ve all been through a lot of difficult stuff. Comfort, Love, Compassion, Nurturing, Soothing, Support are all the appropriate responses after going through something difficult. You’re invited to be open to that possibility. Humanity is long overdue. We invite you to allow yourself to receive this Divine Comfort and Conscious Connection that is so readily available to you.”
From SomRa: “There’s nothing more comforting that being enveloped in the Loving wings of Angels...except being enveloped in the soothing Love-Light of your own Soul Presence. In this Channeled Sound Healing, we will be facilitating both.”
Angelic Love-Light Language & Song, Heart Chakra singing crystal bowls, and wind chimes accompany this comforting, transformational experience.
Recipient: “I swear I could feel angel breath blowing through my body at times.”
Recipient: “There was gentle blowing on my forehead.”
Recipient: “I feel comforted, thank you so much.”
Recipient: “Magical!”
Recipient: “Thank you so much! You and the Angels are SO BEAUTIFUL!”
Activate Your Creatorship (28 minutes) with SomRa & The Trigalion Sound Masters
(Studio Recording)
In this Channeled Sound Activation Meditation, SomRa first gives a 6-minute stirring yet gentle speech encouraging you to become a more activate conscious creator of your own reality and therefore co-creator of the collective New Earth. Soft ambient music plays in the background during this segment. Key points SomRa makes:Taking command of your reality now rather than waiting to “see what’s going to happen first.”
The power of making a decision
How to make a decision more effectively
The role of Feeling in creatorship
Standing firm in your state of preference regardless of what’s going on around you
Then SomRa leads you into a meditative state while affirming an intention of what you want to create/manifest in your life. Following is a 20-minute Channeled Sound segment that facilitates the activation of your intention, the release of inner blocks, and the expansion of your capacity to receive your manifestation. Light Codes and Soul memories are activated.
Instruments include a soft rattle, drum, chime, and Heart Chakra crystal bowl. Yum!
Joyous New Beginnings (28 minutes) with SomRa & The Trigalion Sound Masters
(Studio Recording)
Travel on this sacred journey through the Inner Cosmos of your Being. In this meditation, you’ll be guided to honor what has been and release what is no longer needed, clearing the way for easier, joyous manifestations in the coming year. Experience Activations of keys, codes, and abilities you’re now ready to express. Channeled tones, Galactic energies, and Light-Love Language assist you. Comforting and mesmerizing images, drumming, and Heart Chakra crystal bowl singing deepen your Soul connection. Feel the Wonder that is You and All That Is….
Activate Your Intentions (65 minutes) with SomRa & The Trigalion Sound Masters
Recorded during the precise peak time of the New Moon on 1-21-23, this activation meditation uses the initiating energies of the New Moon to bolster your intentions, goals, desires, and aspirations. Write them down in advance. Then relax in a quiet, uninterrupted space as the meditation and channeled sounds, frequencies, and Divine Presence clear blocks, open pathways, and accelerate your manifestations and internal desired states. Jot down any insights, memory flashes, or other awarenesses that may come to you during and after using this recording.
As an added bonus, SomRa was guided to lead everyone through a meditation-visualization of increasing the Light-Love quotient all over the world and inviting all other humans and beings to open and receive their heart’s desires as well. This contributes to the manifestation of New Earth on many levels. Be a part of this profound experience too! The heartfelt energy signatures of everyone who will ever use this recording were included at the time of the event. Perhaps you were one of them!
A participant’s follow-up comments:
"My experience of SomRa's Activation was that it was like engaging in psycho-spiritual-energetic surgery in a very positive sense. Her way of healing works for me very powerfully. I found myself going into a deep nurturing trance after 20 minutes. When I came back, I felt things shifting in hopeful and heartening ways. I continued to experience these healing shifts six to eight hours later. Now after a week after listening to and experiencing SomRa's Activation, I am continuing to feel and experience positive and life affirming shifts! I am so grateful." ~ L.W.
An especially wide variety of Ascended Masters, Star Beings, cosmic languages, ancient chanters, exquisite singers, & more came through for this event. Accompanying instruments: Traditional Native American octagonal healing drum, Crown & Heart Chakras singing crystal bowls, fairy bells, and meditation chimes.
Unification (48 minutes) with SomRa & The Trigalion Sound Masters
This event was recorded live on Zoom during the auspicious 11-11-22 Gateway, which was all about Greater Unity and unifying both within one’s consciousness and the human collective. This meditation and activation is great to use for releasing unconscious pain and trauma that has kept you from living your Wholeness and a more fulfilling life.
Special guests in this event include the Singing Fairies to help complete the clearing segment and awaken greater Joy and Happiness. Crown and Solar Plexus singing crystal bowls help anchor in the changes and settle you in to a deeper level of Serenity Within.
Activate Your Passions! (63 minutes) with SomRa & The Trigalion Sound Masters
This event was recorded live on Zoom during the powerful 12-12-22 Gateway that contained energies to unlock our inner gifts, talents, abilities, joys, passions, aspirations, and more. Discovering and expressing these are a key to 5D living.
This Channeled Sound Activation Meditation starts with a written process guided by SomRa that leads you to the place where your gifts, joys, passions, and more reside within. Then the Sound segment clears and activates the pathways that allow these qualities to come forth more easily.
This audio can be used any time you wish to activate these qualities more deeply and express them more fully. Or whenever you want to receive facilitation and breakthroughs in general. And as with all of SomRa’s Channeled Sound recordings, it can be used whenever you want to go on a deep inner journey.
This facilitation includes a variety of Channeled Sounds and Cosmic Languages. Instruments: drum, rattle, rainstick, and windchimes. Singing crystal bowls resonating with the Heart, Creative, and Throat Chakras help activate and anchor in the changes, taking you into a deeper level of Serenity, Well-Being, and Inner Knowing.
Reveal, Reclaim, Reunify (49 minutes) with SomRa & The Trigalion Sound Masters
This event was recorded live during a Lunar Eclipse cycle and an influx of Arcturian energies designed to “reveal yourself to yourself” . . . both the hidden unresolved aspects of your human self and unrecognized levels of your Grand Soul Self. As SomRa explains during the introduction, this deeply transformational sound facilitation supports you in discovering, reclaiming, and integrating the many parts of self that became scattered, shattered, or otherwise severed off or “lost” during early life and past life events.
Special guests in this event include chanting ancient Tibetan spiritual adepts (a male and a female) who help transmute old, buried emotional pain, hurt, grief, and mourning. In essence, they express with compassionate assurance: “Yes, the journey feels long, but it is unfolding. Completion is inevitable.” They are followed by sounds of Beauty from a healing priestess expressing nurturing Divine Mother Presence to help you reunify.
Drumming, Tibetan bells, singing crystal bowls, ET Activation Codes and Attunements, and an extensive array of vibration-rising channeled tones take you into a transcendent state of being deep Within the Universe that is You. Emerge embodying more of your Wholeness and profound Inner Peace.
Receive Your Angels’ Gifts (42 minutes) with SomRa & The Angels
This live meditation event brings you the Beloved Healing Love and Support of the Angels. The focus is on softening and opening your consciousness to expand your ability to receive the Gifts that abound from higher planes, within you, and all around you (but often are blocked or unrecognized). The Angels tone and sing through and with SomRa on your behalf, connecting you with your own Angel Guides and Friends who are working with you in support of your personal path and Soul Purpose. Relax and experience a chakra attunement and rise in vibration as the tones, drumming, and crystal bowls shake loose old programming and soothe you into a peaceful, loving, receptive state of being.
Renewal (40 minutes) with SomRa & the Trigalion Sound Masters
This meditation focuses on facilitating a sense of Renewal, particularly after you’ve been through difficult challenges and processes. Lie back and relax as the gentle Sounds of Nature, channeled tones, drumming, rainstick, rattles, and crystal bowls carry you on a journey of inner cleansing, transformation, and renewal . . . raising you to a higher vibration of You. (Special guests: springtime Peep Frogs prerecorded during one of SomRa’s Heart-expanding meditations with them at a creekside.)
Remember Who You Are (47 minutes) with SomRa & The Trigalion Sound Masters
Recorded live during the auspicious 12-12-12 Gateway, which continues to ripple its Awakening and Ascension effects, this audio transmits frequencies and Presence that facilitate and support you through the numerous upleveling Gateways we continue to experience as Gaia steps up in her Ascension process. Many Divine Beings came together during this channeling event.
Special Guests are a cosmic Mayan spiritual teacher and his apprentice. They speak in a combination of Light-Love Language and their native tongue, helping you remember Who You Are. Also, you will experience the rumbling sounds and horn of a nearby train which, combined with the channeled sounds and crystal bowls, created an extraordinary reverberation that amplifies the transformational effects and shaking loose of old patterns. A chakra clearing and attunement, rainstick, rattles, Whales, and Angels round out this powerful Awakening and Ascension upleveling. You may find yourself automatically letting out tones of your own as old, limiting energies surface and release!
Though the transformative effects can be experienced through any speakers, to feel the full effect of the unique low-tone reverberations in this audio, listening through quality woofer speakers is recommended. For a deeply mind-altering, mind-clearing experience, listening with a quality set of headphones with this particular Channeled Sound Meditation is recommended. Try it both ways!
Expansion into Self-Love (41 minutes) with SomRa & The Trigalion Sound Masters
Recorded live on 11-11-15, this meditation focuses on expanding your consciousness into more and more of the Real Divine You. The tones, frequencies, activations, and codes expressed facilitate a greater capacity to experience your innate state of Self-Love, Self-Acceptance, and Self-Kindness. With this can come a greater acceptance of Universal Love, support, guidance, abundance, and more. Lie back and relax as the tones, drumming, crystals bowls, and Light-Love Language carry you to a new level of your Self. (Some notable participants in this meditation are Dolphins & Whales. Special Guests: Pleiadean Ancestors of Native American Earthlings, and more.)
SomRa An’Ryka has been facilitating groups and individuals with Channeled Transformational Sound and Cosmic Languages through her voice since 1996. She often includes drumming, crystal bowls, and more at her events. Some comments from participants:
“I saw wonderful colors and swirls of geometry in my mind’s eye with the sounds.”
“I had arrived with a pain in my shoulder, and as soon as you hit that high note, the pain was gone.”
“I felt my chakras for the first time!”
“I could feel shifts happening!”
“It exceeded all my expectations.”
“Thank you! I sense that it was a deep inner work.”
“Deep relaxation and waves and waves of energy moving from the top to the bottom and out of my body.”
“SomRa’s Channeled Sound has benefited me greatly because she and the Trigalion Sound Masters are able to dissipate negative energy blocks, and this is an enormous aid in my journey towards wholeness.”
“The tones, songs, and languages coming through you felt as though they were carrying us through ancient sacred ceremonies.”
“My whole body is humming with such a light and beautiful vibration. Such love and gratitude. Thank you.”
“I went on a deep journey through the Universe and inside myself at the same time. What a profound experience!”
“I connected with my Soul Family. It was so beautiful. I got a clearer understanding of my purpose here.”
“When I came-to at the end of the Channeled Sound Meditation, I knew I was different. Something had really shifted. I felt at peace and high-vibing at the same time. I could feel the vibration all week.”
“I get so much out of your Channeled Sound Meditations every time!”
“Wow! Ineffable. This is the consciousness one is going for. The timelessness of it all.”
“Thank you so much for this healing journey. Truly - it was an amazing experience.”
“I absolutely loved it, as usual. It was really profound. It brought me a sense of rising higher, a kind of euphoria and joy. When I use your Channeled Sound recordings I experience that too. I look forward to the benefits with every passing day, because I do receive them!”
“Wow...just wow. There are no words to describe this. I’m speechless.”
Each participant’s experience is unique. Relaxation and receptivity increase your awareness of the energetic shifts in your body and field.
Here’s a lively 5-minute discussion between SomRa and A’Terion of the Trigalion Sound Masters speaking through Jaraan Onai about the uniquely beneficial effects of Transformational Sound on your body and consciousness. A’Terion explains:
A rarely known mechanism in your consciousness that keeps dense energies and internal blocks in place
How automatic assumptions based on the past dictate your experience of the present
How Transformational Sound can easily and effortlessly clear these assumptions and dense energies
The vibratory difference between thoughts and intuitive awareness
How Transformational Sound raises your ego awareness to where you can perceive higher levels of Self
About Transformational Channeled Sound
Transformational Sound channeled by SomRa & The Trigalion Sound Masters can bypass unconscious blocks in your consciousness to a more enjoyable, healthy, fulfilling life living as your True Self. These blocks are limiting beliefs with emotional charge holding them in place as the result of conflicting past experiences. They appear in your field and body as etheric dark crystals and similar structures. As the powerful sounds and transformational energies through SomRa bypass your blocks/dark crystals and connect you with your Inner Gifts, they vibrate your dark crystals causing them to shake loose and dissolve. Experiencing a Channeled Sound Activation Meditation is one of the fastest, easiest, and most enjoyable ways to free yourself from unwanted patterns, accelerate your awakening, and step more and more into the life you desire.
A fantastic 2-minute video of Cymatics demonstrating how sound powerfully affects matter
A mind-blowing 5-minute video showing the affects of thoughts, feelings, & intentions on water
Keep in mind your body is 70% water.
So what do you think happens when Pure Love, Positive Intent, Healing Energy, and Sound are combined?
The benefits are unlimited!
Experience a sample of SomRa’s work.
QCTV interview: Turn on the Lights! Illuminate & Release Your Pesky, Elusive Blind Spots & Reclaim Your Divine Reality
An 8-minute Sound Channeling intro and facilitation begins at 1:31:05. In order to feel the energetic effects, aim to relax and be receptive. Feel with your heart, body, and field, not merely observing with your mind.
Frequently Asked Questions
“Toning” is more a general term to describe allowing sounds to come through one’s voice to release old energies within oneself as a part of self-healing. Toning can also be used to facilitate healing and transformation for others as the sound is projected towards them with that intention. The former approach is not channeling from a higher dimension. The latter approach may or may not be channeled, depending on the practitioner.
Channeled Sound refers to the fact that the source of the Sound is from a 5D or higher dimensional realm, bringing with it Pure Love-based frequencies and Presence that are not available in 3D/4D Polarity. The intention is to facilitate and support certain facets of awakening, healing, and transformation, ultimately raising the vibration and expanding the consciousness of the recipient to a new level of being. The person channeling may or may not be consciously aware of the higher groups of beings working through and with them. The channel may simply call it “The Universe,” “Love,” “God,” or other general term. In essence, all that sources from 5D or higher is Pure Love. However the particular channel and their Higher Team’s specific qualities, nature, and objectives can vary.
Everything in Reality operates by Resonance. Likewise, a recipient may be drawn to a particular channel, their Higher Team, and those qualities based on Soul Resonance and/or frequency resonance in a particular moment because that is what the recipient most needs at that time.
“Sound therapy” is sometimes used interchangeably with “sound healing.” However, “sound therapy” is often used by practitioners working in conventional fields such as medical or psychology. And in those cases, their approach tends to use electronic-based devices to produce certain sound frequencies in ways that have been scientifically proven by their analytical methods and controlled studies to affect healing. But also, many non-conventional healing practitioners use the term “sound therapy” for “sound healing.” There are no agreed upon set rules or regulations about this.
The generally accepted definition of a “sound bath” is a meditation in which a person or group is “bathed” in waves of sound produced by calming instruments, sometimes including vocal toning, for the purpose of deep relaxation and contemplation. The sound waves can directly affect the person as the waves “wash” over their body and through their auric field. Emotional and/or physical healing can be one of many results.
Therefore, “sound healing” and “sound bath” are often used interchangeably. But they can be distinct experiences, primarily based on the intention of the provider and of the recipient(s). Skilled and gifted sound healers will be using their voice and/or instruments in very specific ways to facilitate healing, whereas just about anyone can play a set of soothing instruments but not necessarily be doing a “sound healing.” Therefore, we would not use the terms “sound healing” and “sound bath” interchangeably.
“Sound meditation” and “sound bath” could usually be used interchangeably, since a sound bath is a meditation experience. However, again intention is a distinguishing factor. Many people seek a “sound bath” to simply relax and enjoy the feelings, sensations, and deep relaxation they experience. But someone may seek a “sound meditation” to conscientiously cultivate and experience certain qualities and deeper states of being, such as inner stillness, peace, and Oneness with Source that sound intended for those purposes can facilitate. Therefore, we would not use the terms “sound meditation” and “sound bath” interchangeably.
A “sound activation” has yet another distinct intention. It operates on the perception and understanding that all qualities and abilities already exist within everyone but most of these have been dormant for millennia. This includes certain encoding on the DNA. All matter is basically patterns of light, ultimately Source Light. Using sound in a specific way with the intent to activate these codes and awaken dormant abilities is called a “sound activation.” In the 1990’s, we coined the term “Transformational Sound” to accurately indicate the type of sound intent used in a “sound activation” as well as the result. Sound activations for individuals or groups can often be very dynamic and loud as well as relaxing and soft.
We use the term “Channeled Sound Activation Meditation” because SomRa & The Trigalion Sound Masters are operating from a much more encompassing and broader bandwidth and range of intentions than many other types of sound work and presentations. This term is the best translation we perceive at this time for what all we do, provide, and facilitate in one event. (And yes, “healing” is a part of it too, but we figure 4 words is already plenty.) 😉
While some Angels usually participate in a Channeled Sound event with The Trigalion Sound Masters (ET Spiritual Masters & Ascended Masters), SomRa’s Sound Channelings with The Angels is solely an Angel Collective. Some ET Sound Masters may serve as a part of the support team in the background.
An Angel Sound Channeling tends to express softer, more melodic patterns of tones and frequencies. The focus tends to be more on comfort, soothing, and healing while also facilitating recipients’ release of suppressed grief, hurt, weariness, sorrow, and distresses of various kinds.
A Sound Channeling with The Trigalion Sound Masters tends to be very dynamic with occasional melodic segments. It includes a wide variety of sounds, frequencies, energies, and Cosmic Love-Light Languages. This tends to be a very consciousness-expanding as well as inner journey experience for recipients.
Both are equally supportive in recipients’ healing, well-being, evolution, awakening, ascension, and direct experience of Source Love.
Essentially, yes! Many healer Light Beings assist each listener whether during the event or listening to the recording. The Angels, Trigalion Sound Masters, and other Light Beings channeling through SomRa exist beyond space-time. Therefore, they are able to know who will ever listen to the recording, and they will incorporate the needs of future listeners at the time of the event or studio recording. Pretty cool, huh?
We do, however, encourage live participation whenever possible for that unique experience “in the making.” The sooner you experience it, the sooner your conscious mind accepts, “Ah yes, I’m receiving something powerful for my benefit.” And therefore, the sooner you notice, feel, and get to consciously experience those benefits.
About SomRa An'Ryka
SomRa An’Ryka is an ET Walk-In, Spiritual Awakening Teacher and Facilitator, Visual Artist, and Sound Channel, working in the fields of Energy Psychology, Personal Growth, Spiritual Development, and the Arts. Using a Heart-Centered approach, she assists sincere, self-responsible Truth Seekers, Starseeds, Healers, and Lightworkers to free themselves from their internal blocks to personal fulfillment and living their Divine Magnificence right here in the Earth Plane. SomRa is a representative of a path of Evolution, Awakening, and Ascension developed by a vast collective of ET Masters, many of whom Ascended from various worlds over 355,000 years ago. They offer unique and refreshing perspectives of what it’s all about – this Game and Experiment of descending into Polarity and ascending back into Unity Consciousness.
Since 1989, SomRa has been professionally teaching and facilitating individuals and groups, offering transformative perspectives, practices, techniques, mind-body-emotion healing, trauma recovery, and compassionate clarity. She is dedicated to supporting The Great Awakening towards Heaven on Earth.
The Trigalion Sound Masters
The Trigalion Sound Masters (TSM) are a core group of 33 and extended group of 300-400 ET Ascended Masters from the Collective who specialize in working with sound frequencies to heal, create, facilitate, activate, and transform. They help gracefully dissolve inner blocks to one’s purpose and awaken creative expression. All well-known advanced star systems are represented: Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, Andromeda, Lyra, and many more. SomRa has been channeling TSM since 1996.
Orchestron, The Angel Collective
Orchestron is an Angel Collective dedicated to facilitating healing, comfort, and evolution using Transformational Sound, Compassion, and Light-Heartedness. They have chosen the name Orchestron both for its deeper meaning and to emphasize the importance of Light-Heartedness, which they say humanity needs to cultivate more of. This Collective consists of 30-40 Angels of the Legions of Archangels Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, Ariel, Haniel, Sandalphon, Chamuel, and Jeremiel. Additional representatives may participate, such as from the Legions of Uriel, Zadkiel, Jophiel, and Metatron, depending on the event attendees’ needs of the moment. Orchestron works in tandem with all attendees’ and recording listeners’ personal guides and angels during the facilitation.