Donate to the Joyous Awakening Team
POST HURRICANE UPDATE: Thank you for your support as we continue to recover from the effects of Hurricane Helene and to keep you informed from the inside with the Truth while doing our Lightwork in Appalachia. We are Grateful for any funding support you feel guided to share. We share the Love with you, our online community, and are helping our local community in all the ways Spirit leads us. We continue to provide updates, information, and intuitive insights on the local situation and its relation to the human collective Awakening through our newsletter and periodic Live Group Events. Thank you so very much for your appreciation and support! ❤️❤️
We want to offer as many free services as possible.
If you have the means, we welcome contributions to our cause.
Hello Awesome Being,
We, like You, are Extraordinary Souls on a human journey full of trials, tribulations, challenges, and triumphs. And, as human survivors of extreme, extensive childhood abuse, our challenges are exponentially amplified and complex. Yet we still must tend to daily responsibilities and livelihood with the long-term effects of such traumas, while also working on resolving them. Our aim as humans is to keep going and ultimately triumph into fully living our Hearts’ expression and potential. Our aim as spiritual and healing facilitators is to likewise assist others and to authentically demonstrate Divine Truths and what’s possible despite adversity.
Some of us are also Walk-Ins – ET Souls from Higher Dimensions who bring expansive, beneficial perspectives, approaches, practices, wisdom, and ways of living from prevalent advanced civilizations that humanity has sorely missed out on for eons. This is in alignment with our human and facilitator aims.
Your donations support us in sharing our gifts & skills arising from:
* 35+ years Earth-based professional education and experience
* 37+ years of conscious spiritual evolution through self-development trainings, studies, applications, and experience
* 50+ years of personal evolution through personal discoveries, trauma healing, and triumphs
* Many thousands of lifetimes of gained wisdom, perception, experience, and evolution
* And the very spiritually-advanced, ancient wisdom, perception, and Presence of the ET Ascended Masters and Angels who channel through us.
Our offerings are for sincere, self-responsible seekers who earnestly want to Awaken to Who They Truly Are . . . and live their Authentic Divine Selves in ever-blossoming ways.
Scholarships for Receiving Our Facilitation Work
We offer scholarships when possible to those in need of and resonance with the healing and facilitation work we do but are on a fixed income or otherwise have extremely limited funds. If you would like to contribute to this fund, your donations would be greatly appreciated.
Our Planetary Lightwork
As a part of our facilitation work, we also do planetary Lightwork on the Earth herself. This is usually in the form of energetic clearings of historic sites and places where group traumas such as battles and disasters have occurred. These events leave “land wounds” and vibrational imprints that tend to impede Earth’s ascension. We have often done extensive land healing and crystal gridding on-site and remotely to raise vibrations and anchor in the higher dimensions. This includes assisting into the Light stuck beings who had died in such places. We also plant charged crystals that radiate Divine Love and awakening frequencies in places many people visit. All of these services along with other Earthworks contribute to the collective healing and spiritual awakening of humanity. There is no compensation for our time and skills in these endeavors. However, we are honored to serve in these ways when we can.
Our Hearts are moved to show people how accessible
Infinite Love and the Higher Dimensions are right here now.
Through our offerings, YouTube channel, and other projects, we aim to make it easier for people to develop, recognize, access, and directly experience Higher Consciousness and expanded, Soul-Centered feelings states such as True Joy, Peace, Love, Harmony, and Freedom.
If you appreciate our work and if your Love Within and Universal Flow moves you to support our continuing contributions to the manifestation of New Earth, we welcome your donations here. Simply click the button below and choose your amount.
If you prefer, you may also donate by check or money order paid to Joyous Awakening LLC, PO Box 1274, Candler, NC 28715.
As our Thank You, your name can go into our weekly Healing Prayer Bowl into which we focus Divine Love frequencies
to assist you in your healing, transformations, manifestations, and other intentions aligned with your Soul Path.
Your donations go to session/group scholarships and to improved video and audio software, equipment, supplies, and support in using them. They also go to our outreach endeavors and the time it takes to create quality, Soul-Centered content.
Your donations help us provide sincere seekers with road-maps back to Themselves and Source.
When we are all living as our Heart-Guided, Authentic Selves, the world becomes an Authentic, Cooperative Haven – as it was meant to be.
Much Gratitude & Blessings to You! 🙏💙
~ The Joyous Awakening Team