Money, Manifesting, & Lack Consciousness Part 1 of 3
Jaraan: Our purpose as evolving beings is not just to learn and demonstrate techniques. It’s to profoundly understand the nature of Consciousness. This understanding is, of itself, Oneness with Source. And, in 3D polarity, learning how to do certain things is also part of the path. If you’ve tried all the popular manifesting techniques and still aren’t getting expected results, this illuminating post is for you! These brilliant insights specifically address hidden and rarely discussed aspects of ego consciousness that prevent or impede natural, effortless manifesting. These insights have the potential to revolutionize one’s relationship with materiality and blast open doors to experience more authentic power and potential. While this specifically addresses money issues, the concepts and principles actually apply to a much broader range of issues we might wish to resolve in order to experience a more joyful, fulfilling life.
The following teachings from Master Chan were shared during a class.
(Note: The ET Ascended Masters often speak in first person while meaning to include their audience generally or the specific person they are speaking to – as if they are the person they're speaking with. This is their style. Rather than to impose an idea, they share in such a way that the listener can choose to identify with what is said or not, according to their own Soul’s needs.)
Master Chan: What I see in working with you is this interesting dynamic. You wouldn’t call it interesting. You would call it frustrating, most likely.
Human consciousness is in layers. Like in geology with the sedimentary rock where there are layers and layers and layers. Well, the human psyche is like that too. And, on one level there is that part of you that very definitely is, “Where’s the money, honey?” Right? And then on another level of you, there is part that wants to deflect that [money]. And, it’s not even that that part is really trying to deflect it, it’s more from a standpoint of thinking it’s helping you by doing so.
And so, when you work to change it, it’ll hit that other level or aspect, and then there's a little bit of conflict that happens. And there is a strong desire for no conflict. So it’s like, “I want this change without any kind of conflict, a very harmonious shift.” Totally understandable. I would even advocate that. And … as the saying is, “the first thing to come up when a seed sprouts is a little dirt.”
And so it’s like there are these seeds sprouting in your psyche, what we would call seeds of possibility, and the first thing that comes up is a little dirt. And that layer that is resistant sees the dirt and says, “Oh we have to keep the house clean.”
So, let there be dirt! Because at a core level,
there is a part of you that knows absolutely that accommodation,
meaning manifesting whatever you want, is a natural, normal thing.
It knows that. And, on a personality level, there are plenty of aspects that say, “Well my experience tells me a different story.” And so, those tracks in your brain that are represented by, “my experience tells me a different story” has a tendency of inertia. So, the inertia of the psyche is to not invest a lot of energy into believing or accepting the possibility because [it’s thinking], “my experience tells me a different story.”
And there is a strong desire not to be disappointed, because there are points on your timeline, even past lives, where there have been some significant disappointments, and the emotional disturbance of that was rather unpleasant. And so there’s a high desire to avoid the emotional disturbance.
So, it’s like, “I really don’t want to revisit that kind of experience so I don’t want to get my hopes up.” However, the pattern that might be associated with “getting one’s hopes up” is the same kind of pattern of being open. But there are perspectives to adopt, attitudes to adopt where you can circumvent that “don’t want to be disappointed” dynamic. So, if it doesn’t get activated, it won’t react. And the doors can be opened even with that [adverse belief] there. They eventually need to clear, but that’s not necessarily something that can be done in a day or overnight because like with most dynamics, especially core issues, or what we’re calling core issues, it’s not really just about the core issue.
Because core issues have all these interconnected filaments. So there’s issues that build to issues that build to issues, and so forth that eventually become that core that you see and know as a core issue. And so, the unraveling of that tends to start out in peripheral areas. So you erase the outer bands first, and as you do, momentum is built up, power/energy is built up until you get to the center and that tends to fall apart on its own. Because enough has been built up and you become bigger than the issue.
What happens a lot of times with people is that, especially in long-term issues or core issues, the issue looks bigger than the you that’s facing it – on the inside, from an emotional perspective. And when the issue looks bigger than you – for example, any time you felt fear about anything – whatever that is looks bigger than you, looks more powerful than you, on the inside. And so, there has to come a time where, through processing the smaller stuff first, eradicating that first, it gets to where you are bigger than the issue. And the moment that balance is tipped, what at one time would have seemed a big deal becomes no big deal at all. Maybe an inconvenience, maybe mildly frustrating, but not paralyzing, not distressing as such.
Originally from Arcturus, Master Chan ascended from Atlantis approximately 34,500 years ago. Kind, witty, and enthusiastic, he often shares experiences from his childhood and formal spiritual training that advanced his awakening into ascension and also empowers Lightworkers today.
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