Intake Form for Spiritual Mentoring with Jaraan

Thank you for your interest in a Spiritual Mentoring Session! Before scheduling, please fill out the form below. After you click the Submit button, Jaraan will respond within 3 business days with scheduling options for you.



I, Jaraan Onai, agree to show up on time (barring emergencies) and be present, on-purpose, and focused to support you, the recipient/client, in achieving of your stated goals and/or resolving stated issues.


(1) All communication between us is confidential. I will not divulge what you share to anyone without your consent. The only exceptions to this rule are: (a) if you become a danger to yourself or others, (b) if I am required by law, or (c) if you dispute a payment.



(1) You agree to show up at your appointment time on-purpose and ready to work on the issues and/or goals you present.

(2) You agree to be in a quiet, private location where you will be alone and uninterrupted for the entire session time.

(3) You understand that spiritual mentoring with Jaraan is a collaborative team effort to help you achieve your spiritual growth goals. You understand that real, lasting change is determined solely by you and the effort you put into it. You agree to take full responsibility for yourself, your feelings, and your process during and after any sessions.

(4) You understand that, though supportive in nature, Jaraan’s work is not therapy, counseling or other psychological treatment; it is not presented or intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or psychological disorder. Also, Jaraan does not provide crisis intervention services. Please contact your local crisis line or emergency services if/when needed. You acknowledge that you are advised to consult with your current health care providers before changing any medications or other treatments you are using.

(5) You understand that additional physical or emotional issues may come to your awareness during or after a session and that this is a natural part of your personal growth and healing process. It is strongly recommended that you establish in advance any self-care, self-soothing, and other support that may be needed. (Like slow, deep breathing, bilateral stimulation/tapping, journaling, conscious movement, exercise, drinking plenty of water, support groups, etc.) You agree that neither Jaraan, Joyous Awakening LLC, nor any referring partners are responsible for your experiences.

(6) You understand that your relationship with Jaraan is strictly professional, not personal, and you agree to respect this boundary in all interactions.


(1) You agree to pay the full amount for your session in advance, unless other arrangements have been made.

(2) You understand that the recording of your session (if any) and follow-up resources will be emailed to you ONLY after your full payment amount has been received, unless other arrangements have been made.

Overtime Fees:

We will always endeavor to start and end on time. It is recommended that you keep a clock visible during your session to help you be mindful of the time. In rare instances, we may go a few minutes overtime if needed to wrap up your session. You will not be charged additional fees in these cases.


(1) You agree to email our offices only when necessary, with content solely related to the service you will receive or did receive, and keep email communications brief and focused. Please do not discuss any session related details in emails, since emails cannot be considered entirely secure communication.

(2) You understand that no services will be provided outside of your session time – whether by email, mail, Zoom, phone, text, or in person – unless it is a part of a program, package, or course you are attending.

(3) You understand that, except in rare circumstances, Jaraan will respond to your communications as soon as possible within his business hours: Monday-Thursday 10:30pm-4:30pm Eastern Time.

Cancellation, Rescheduling, & Refund Policy:

(1) You understand that as an appointment-based business, Jaraan's time is his livelihood. Workdays are orchestrated around appointments. If you do not show up for your appointment or you cancel short notice, that time slot cannot be refilled and valuable time is lost. Also, others could have used the time that was reserved for you.

(2) You understand that if you reschedule your appointment MORE than 24 hours in advance, your payment amount will be applied to the new appointment.

(3) You understand that, barring a true emergency or interference beyond your control (see #5 below), if you cancel or reschedule your appointment LESS than 24 hours in advance, 50% of amount paid will be refunded or applied to your next scheduled appointment.

(4) You understand that if you cancel MORE than 24 hours before your appointment, the entire amount you had originally paid will be refunded minus processing fees (approximately 5%).

(5) You understand that the definition of a “true emergency or interference beyond your control” preventing you from attending your session stated in this Service Agreement refers to examples such as a medical emergency; you’re stuck in an unpredictable traffic jam; or computer, internet, and phone problems.

(6) You understand that if you do not show-up on the Zoom call (or phone-call alternative) by 12 minutes after the appointment time and do not contact us about the delay, the appointment will be considered a No-Show. Your payment, minus 50%, will be refunded or applied to your next scheduled appointment.

(7) You understand that there are NO refunds once service has been rendered.