Optimize Your Space!
Did you know that the vibration of your home, work, and personal space can significantly support or hinder your well-being and spiritual awakening?
And what’s more, did you know that a person – no matter how empathic, intuitive, and spiritually in-tune – can be completely unaware of certain adverse energies, or even entities, in their space...and actually feel what seems to them as “comfortable.”
I’ve seen it many times over the years. Just like people can carry loads of such energies in their auric fields and bodies without ever knowing it...and even think they’re “fine.” Everyone has blind spots – etheric shadows and blocks in their consciousness, preventing them from perceiving certain things that could lead to growth and change.
It takes a while to dissolve all these blind spots. Doing it is an integral part of the awakening journey unfolding.
* How do you find out what’s REALLY going on with the energetics of your home, work, and personal space?
* And how do you TRULY clear whatever’s hindering your healing and awakening?
* And then how do you ENSURE the vibration of your space continues to rise to match your evolution???
Sure, smudging, dowsing, prayer, putting EMF harmonizers around, Violet-Flaming, and calling on Archangel Michael definitely helps. But that actually doesn’t complete the job. And since priests, preachers, and shamans are often limited by their specific schools of thought and trainings, their skills and perceptions usually operate in only specific bandwidths while not recognizing or affecting others. If you want your space truly thoroughly cleared and optimized, you need experts who are perceiving multidimensionally from a higher, broader view beyond this plane!
That’s where the Joyous Awakening Team comes in!
We used to do a lot of Home & Property Clearings, addressing every dimensional level affecting the residents. We’re the ones folks called upon when nothing else worked! Lately, we’ve been called upon again. So for a limited time we’ve decided to offer these awesomely supportive services once more!
We’ve collectively been doing what we now call Multidimensional Space Clearings since 2010. And I (SomRa) alone have for my clients and students since 1994. Houses, offices, churches, public buildings…and eventually large properties, old battlegrounds, entire regions, you name it!
After a series of house-sitting experiences back then, I soon realized that my Spirit was taking me through in-depth training on all the various, sometimes crazy, adverse energetic anomalies that can be and often are happening in most people’s houses, businesses, properties, and so forth. “Coincidentally,” a clairvoyant expert at property clearing simultaneously arrived in my life. She helped me hone and fine-tune my perceptions and skills. It wasn’t long before people were hiring me to clear and heal their homes, properties, and offices.
Sure, 4th-Dimensional entities such as ghosts and gremlins are one thing...and are quite common. But here are just a few additional issues I’ve encountered and corrected or adjusted optimally:
* 4D portals with unsavory astral beings coming in and out
* vortexes and swirls of stuck energies
* multidimensional disruptive ley lines
* emotional residue and layers of limiting belief energies from past or current residents
* unfavorable energies hidden at the subatomic level within the building’s materials
* residue from violence or other conflicts that happened on the property
* land wounds, historic unfavorable imprints from hundreds, thousands, or even millions of years ago
* underground adverse 4D tunnels
* temporal riffs and time anomalies
* problematic thin veiling between parallel realities and alternate universes
* disruptive galactic ley lines and similar influences
The symptoms of these anomalies are varied and vast.
All adverse anomalies on a property tend to magnetize or manifest less-than-desirable conditions for current residents. Here are some examples a person could be experiencing caused partly or entirely by adverse anomalies in their home, office, or property:
* lack of abundance
* difficulty sleeping
* overall restlessness
* regular mishaps
* lack of energy
* unpleasant moods
* inability to concentrate
* restless, spooked, or ill pets
* procrastination, lack of motivation
* can’t get much done even when you try
* feeling spacey, scattered, dizzy, or chaotic
* strange or persistent pains or illnesses
* frequent conflicts between residents
* feeling “comfortable” but actually stagnant
* electronics not working properly
* structural problems of the building
* unexpected or frequently malfunctioning appliances
* mysteriously cold rooms
* feeling a different vibe in different rooms
And then there are the typical indicators of 4D entities:
* seeing apparitions
* items frequently missing or misplaced
* seeing movement in the corner of your eye
* hearing voices or unexplained noises
* lights flickering or malfunctioning
* and many more not-so-obvious oddities
Places need detoxing and healing just like people!
Often during my 30 years as a hands-on healer and bodyworker, I perceived that many of the health and personal issues my clients were seeking my help with were actually partly due to the energetics of their home and/or work environments. Whoa!
That’s why my Spirit led me on a wild journey crash-course in property energetics and how to heal and optimize them. Later, I combined forces with the 9D Ascended Master Cou’don Ba’ channeled through Jaraan Onai and our Higher Team of property clearing experts. Our collaborative work has dramatically accelerated and broadened our ability to hone in on:
* What’s going on
* What’s needed
* How it’s affected the residents
* How the residents have affected it
* How to resolve it all
* How to raise the vibration to match the residents’ aspirations and Soul Paths
We can also perceive and enhance beneficial elements already on your property such as ancient blessings on the land, deep underground gem and mineral veins, and 5D (or higher) interdimensional gateways.
And then we wrap the property in a high-vibe, healthy boundary bubble that ensures your personal space stays optimal (as long as you remain dedicated to your personal growth, self-healing, and expansion). This boundary works even if you live in close proximity to others who are, shall we say, not so high-vibe in their lives and choices.
Our clearing and optimization work not only helps the residents, but also helps:
* The land itself
* The plant and animal life on it
* The neighbors (in a general way while honoring their freewill)
* The entire Earth
* Plus, all adverse 4D entities who were attached to the property are assisted into The Light so that they can move on to what’s next in their evolution. It’s a win-win-win-win for all!
Every Multidimensional Space Clearing and land healing has long-term, far-reaching effects and accelerates the Great Awakening of all humanity.
But so many folks miss out on this wonderful work that supports their path because they don’t recognize any issues with their property or personal space. And maybe their property doesn’t have major issues. But its vibration can always be optimized!
That’s why for a limited time we are also offering a…
Personal Space Optimization
This is a shorter, light-duty clearing and vibe-raising process that covers the bases but just focuses on your personal interior space (not the land or others’ rooms). Just like with an in-depth property clearing, this process is tailored to your specific needs, intentions, aspirations, and Soul Path and Purpose.
This is a great choice if don’t notice any strange energies in your home and/or your budget is tight but you want to start improving the energies of your environment and optimizing them to support your needs and spiritual development.
If you choose this option, we’ll be able to inform you if additional work will be needed later for total clearing and optimization. Think of it like going to a healer for a health condition: A Personal Space Optimization is your first “healing session” for your home. Another session or more may be needed later to deepen and establish full healing.
Ready for a High-Vibe, Nurturing Home?
Click the corresponding button below to order. After payment, you’ll then be directed to a short questionnaire form. (We will be requesting a simple floor plan sketch as well. This does not need to be perfect or to scale.) After answering, click “Submit.” We’ll send you an email as soon as possible (usually within 3 business days, aside from holidays) informing you of when we plan to do the Optimization or Clearing. (You can go about your usual schedule; we will not need to be on the phone with you.) Within approximately 3 business days after the Optimization or Clearing is done, we’ll email you an audio file explaining what we found, what we did, and suggestions on how you can maintain an Optimized energetic environment that will rise in vibration with you as you evolve.
Personal Space Optimization (PSO)
* General clearing with the focus on optimization of your personal space (or office)
* Follow-up audio recording of our assessments and what we did to optimize you space.
* Suggestions and recommendations on how to further optimize your environment and keep to optimized.
* helpful personal practices specific to your needs
* resources for more info or support regarding what we discovered
* specific tools and/or gemstones and placement of them to amplify or anchor beneficial frequencies for your unique property, path, and purpose
Multidimensional Space Clearing & Optimization (MSCO)
* Clearing of your personal space or office + the land & any influences in its vicinity (approx. 7-mile radius) are included
* Follow-up audio recording of our assessments of what was causing your property’s issues and what we did to remedy them
* Suggestions and recommendations on how to further optimize your environment and you own personal energies
* helpful personal practices specific to your needs
* resources for more info or support regarding what we discovered
* specific tools and/or gemstones and placement of them to amplify or anchor beneficial frequencies for your unique property, path, and purpose
All work is done remotely. We perceive and operate beyond the realm of space-time and with your permission are able to tune in to and affect your space without physically being there. Many of our Higher Dimensional Team experts, including Archangel Michael, will show up on your property in light-body form to make some of the helpful adjustments.
If they are generally open to personal growth, change, and feeling happy and healthy, they pose no hindrance to the work and your personal benefits. However, if they’re not and if you’re not overall comfortable and happy around them, that could limit a full upliftment of your environment. We cannot counteract their freewill choices. However, we will do everything in our power to clear everything that belongs to you and fortify healthy boundaries around your bedroom and any other private spaces within the home.
Also, if preferred our Multidimensional Space Clearings have been known to open doors and opportunities for our clients to move to more suitable, supportive environments! This has happened within days, weeks, or a few months of the Clearing. The more open you are to this (and whatever is needed to make that change, including funds), the faster it can come!
Certainly! A general clearing will be done on the building and surroundings in accordance with Divine Will, while our core focus will be on your personal space and boundaries. Everyone in the building will benefit. Whether or not they consciously experience it and to what degree depends on their own freewill and Soul Paths.
Depends. If a building is a simple shed, then no. If it’s another living space, work space, barn, or something similar where people and/or animals congregate, work, or live, then those buildings will likely need to be a separate purchase each or an “add-on,” depending on several factors. If a building has never been thoroughly cleared by anyone, it will likely need a full Clearing and purchase until itself. (However, all buildings and the property can be done in one long Clearing session.) Ask us at info@JoyousAwakening before purchasing if you’re unsure about your situation.
We find it a little bit easier to do the work when no one is home, but being away is not required. Also, if anyone is there they have sometimes reported feeling dizzy or “vibey” as the energies rapidly shift and rise. If using electronics such as computers, printers, etc. occasionally they have reported their electronics acting “wonky” during the Clearing. (None of these experiences have been major if at all, and all of them ended by the time our work was complete.) So it’s up to you. We just want to make sure you are aware of these possibilities. If you must be home, we suggest just resting and doing relaxing things like meditating, reading an enjoyable book, listening to pleasant music, etc. If you work at home, it’s okay to continue doing what you need to for that.
We aim to complete everything that’s needed in one Clearing or Optimization. However, for a Clearing, like people, if your place has multiple layers of issues, it may need more than one Clearing to complete the process to an optimized state. And/or occasionally a client has needed to make some personal or environmental changes first in order for us to complete the process.
For example, if part of the problems with the property are caused by the person’s issue of needing to “help everybody,” they may need to do some personal growth and healing work, learn to set and uphold healthy boundaries, etc. before their property will be and remain fully clear and high-vibe. Otherwise, the compulsion to “help everybody” will likely continue to magnetize various people, animals, and/or unsavory ghosts and energies looking for “help.” This is an example of true stories from some of our past Property Clearings. After the residents did their inner personal growth work, applied our suggestions, and received 1 or 2 additional shorter clearings along the way, the issues with their home/property ceased and never returned.
Yes! Since we will be focusing on your personal space and not be including the land (except in a general way), we suggest purchasing just a Personal Space Optimization. We will clear all the layers of non-supportive lingering energies since your camper’s beginnings. This includes the subatomic level where many unfavorable energies and residues reside. All thoughts, beliefs, and emotions of workers on any structure go into the subatomic level and stay unless cleared effectively. Once cleared, we’ll optimize your space in accordance with your intentions, desires, aspirations, and Soul Path and Purpose.
No. You still have to continue you own personal growth work and healing to progress your path. However, if you’ve been doing a lot of personal work for several years and not experiencing the progress you’d like, there could be some energies and anomalies in your environment inhibiting your healing and/or evolution. That, we can help you with! (See our other offerings at www.JoyousAwakening.com to progress your spiritual growth and healing. And more offerings are coming soon!)
Frequently Asked Questions
Make your personal space support and optimize your life.
Enhance your:
Physical comfort and restfulness
Emotional balance and peace
Creative inspiration and intuition
Healing and transformation
Spiritual evolution
They say one’s home is one’s castle. Ideally, it should also be your personal retreat and sanctuary! Your personal space can not only be an expression of who you are, but can powerfully support you in becoming all you can be!