Tap Into Self-Love

Cultivate Yummy Feel-Goods with Your Own Source-Love Link

Online Course with SomRa An’Ryka, Instructor & EFT Practitioner
Spiritual Awakening Teacher & Facilitator

In this part-facilitation, part-education 2-hour video online course, we use powerful techniques like EFT-Tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques) with specific processes, plus nervous system calming and brain-rewiring approaches that simultaneously attune you to Source Love.

You will learn and experience:

💖 Heart-mind connection
💖 Relaxation techniques
💖 Activation of your brain’s happy-love chemicals
💖 Automatic attunement to Source/Divine Love and the Flow of the Universe
💖 How to give yourself "self-love boosts"
💖 How to rewire your brain and consciousness to live self-love, self-acceptance, self-validation, and self-compassion as “Your Normal.”
💖 Plus tips and pointers that help you make this shift even easier!

What’s included:

▶️ Video access to the class recording
▶️ Audio download of the class & EFT facilitation (can be used repeatedly)
▶️ PDF of slide presentation
▶️ PDF of exact EFT processes to facilitate yourself and cultivate self-love
▶️ PDF: Diagram of the EFT points and chakras
▶️ PDFs: Resources & recommendations to foster self-love & well-being

Tap Into Self-Love online course is based on brain research and development, decades of experiences with clients, and perspectives and teachings from the ancient ET Ascended Masters, Angels, and Archangels.

Participants' comments:

“Even after that first round [of the process], I felt all this warmth coming from my Heart Space. And I had been really trying to connect with that for a couple of weeks but just not feeling connected with it. [In this process] it was like right there. It was really cool!”

“I’m feeling an overall sense of warmth and comfort and relaxation that I didn’t feel before we started [the process]. Like my whole body is relaxed more than it was.”

“For me it [the resistance to Source Love] steadily diminished. By the end [of the process], I found suddenly there was a big shift. And I just kept giggling and thinking, ‘Yeah, why not love myself?’ and ‘What’s wrong with that??? That’s really gonna be cool!’ and ‘Boy, it sure beats hating myself!’ And I started to feel good about realizing that you can actually love yourself and that Source actually really loves you. And so at the end I was giggling and laughing and feeling that warmth about actually really experiencing Love.”

Transform those old, codependent versions of “love” into a whole new level of personal and spiritual Love-Empowerment!

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About SomRa An'Ryka

SomRa An’Ryka is an ET Walk-In, Spiritual Awakening Teacher and Facilitator, Visual Artist, and Sound Channel, working in the fields of Energy Psychology, Psychospirituality, Personal Growth, Spiritual Development, and the Arts. Using a Heart-Centered approach, she assists sincere, self-responsible Truth Seekers, Starseeds, Healers, and Lightworkers to free themselves from their internal blocks to personal fulfillment and living their Divine Magnificence right here in the Earth Plane. SomRa is a representative of a path of Evolution, Awakening, and Ascension developed by a vast collective of ET Masters, many of whom Ascended from various worlds over 355,000 years ago. They offer unique and refreshing perspectives of what it’s all about – this Game and Experiment of descending into Polarity and ascending back into Unity Consciousness.

Since 1989, SomRa has been professionally teaching and facilitating individuals and groups, offering transformative perspectives, practices, techniques, mind-body-emotion healing, trauma recovery, and compassionate clarity. She facilitates through groups programs, classes, and other offerings that support The Great Awakening towards Heaven on Earth. In 2024, she has emerged from retirement from private session work per Spirit’s Directive to assist those ready to deep dive Within in this next level of personal growth and Soul Embodiment.

  • Education & Experience (abridged)

    Facilitator Education & Experience:

    Source Attunement Facilitation™ with the ET Ascended MastersTeacher Training of Source Attunement Facilitation™Spiritual, Energywork, & Bodywork apprenticeshipsSpiritual Awakening Teacher & MentoringEmotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)Matrix Reimprinting (MR)Matrix Birth Reimprinting (MBR)Soul ReconnectingIntrinsic Coaching®SomatoEmotional Release®Aroma Freedom Technique™Institute for Brain PotentialBilateral StimulationSexual Trauma RecoveryAromatherapyEmotional ReleaseEtheric HealingChanneled Sound & Energy HealingAdvanced Breatharian HealingChemistry of Essential OilsEmotional Release with Essential OilsHealing Oils of Ancient Scripture

    Additional Experience:

    Angels & ArchangelsEye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)Brainspotting12-Step ProgramsQuantum PhysicsMetaphysicsEnergy PsychologyPsychospiritualityPsychologyParapsychologyHypnosis

    The works of Dr. Gabor Mate, Peter Levine PhD, Dr. Robert Scaer MD, Wayne Kritsberg, Michael J. Lincoln PhD, Louise Hay, & others

CLICK HERE for info on SomRa’s session work.

CLICK HERE for info on SomRa’s Channeled Sound Work.

CLICK HERE for a Personal Channeled Sound Attunement with SomRa.