Money, Manifesting, and Attitude Part 2 of 3
Jaraan: In this post, Master Chan elaborates on ways to validate who we really are plus highlights specific, empowering attitudes and perspectives that naturally align ourselves with the Unlimited Potential of Source Consciousness.
(Note: The ET Ascended Masters often speak in first person while meaning to include their audience generally or the specific person they are speaking to – as if the Masters are the person they're speaking with. This is their style. Rather than to impose an idea, they share in such a way that the listener can choose to identify with what is said or not, according to their own Soul’s needs.)
Master Chan: “So, how do I acclimate (to this planet, to a new location), without losing myself? Technically I’m here to find myself, so if I want to find myself, what self is it that I want to find? One that applies to this version of reality?”
Well, yes. But also, that which is transcendent of this version of reality.
Everything that happens can support tapping into that
higher level of consciousness that you innately are.
In many cases, it’s less about how or whether one resolves the issue, and more about their approach to it. And how they see themselves in relation to it. Is this a problem to be fixed? Or, is it an opportunity to evolve? Now, it IS an opportunity to evolve, but it may feel like another problem to be fixed, right? And then, “oh crap,” and then here’s the frustration and other reactions instead of the fascination.
Because it is fascinating. And when you can approach it from that standpoint, one of the things we’ve suggested before – we find it very effective – is to be fascinated by your misunderstanding. Or fascinated by how challenging something is.
Now that sounds to the mind many times like a weird approach. Why would you ever feel that way – be fascinated by a problem or difficulty. But what this approach does is that it injects into the environment of your consciousness a completely different, very incompatible energy – incompatible with the negate-ive dynamic.
And it starts breaking up even if you don’t do anything with it, so to speak.
People have taught the attitude of gratitude, practicing gratitude. So this is kind of like that, but from our perspective, a bit more proactive. It conveys the idea. “I want to be fascinated with the idea that this grand Being that I am is still stuck in this illusion. It’s amazing.” It’s amazing that it can look so real. [taps chair] I mean, this chair really looks real, doesn’t it? It’s not. I mean, yes and no. It depend upon how you define “reality.” But your physicists will tell you that this chair is mostly space. So, “if I can be so convincingly fooled by that, and probably never question it, what about all this other stuff that’s just as normal to my psyche, just as seemingly solid to my psyche, but which can vaporize like a cloud?”
Are you familiar with Richard Bach’s book, Illusions – The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah – a totally inspiring, very educational little book. In there he offers a suggestion on how to vaporize clouds. If you have not done that yet, I highly recommend that you do because it’s very doable. And, if you can vaporize a cloud in the sky, you can vaporize a cloud in your consciousness. It’s the exact same energy. The exact same approach.
The thing about it is, you don’t have to map the cloud before you dissipate it. You simply have to will it to be. It’s an amazing thing to do. The first time you vaporize a cloud, it’s like, “no, maybe the wind blew it. OK, where’s another one. Oh my God, that one’s disappearing too! Oh, it must be an atmospheric condition. The sun hit it just right.” But eventually your head goes, “wait a minute, this is happening too consistently to not be real.” And that part of your psyche realizes, “Oh, I can make something happen here.” So, it can be done.
As far as we’re concerned, that book is also on our curriculum. It also talks about manifesting, and specifically how to manifest. A lot of times people see money, dollars, as something that it isn’t. Power, for example. This culture associates this piece of paper with power – the more of it you have, the more power you have. Well, that’s not really true. But this culture says it’s true. However, if your psyche, if your Heart, if your Soul is not wired to consider money is power, it’s not going to include that in your [personal] world as power. If it does associate money with power enough, then “if I am powerful, it just goes without saying that I will have all of this (money) that I want.” If I know I am powerful. “But if I know I am powerful, I also know this (money) isn’t power. It’s just a representation, a tool or an expression used in this world.”
Originally from Arcturus, Master Chan ascended from Atlantis approximately 34,500 years ago. Kind, witty, and enthusiastic, he often shares experiences from his childhood and formal spiritual training that advanced his awakening into ascension and also empowers Lightworkers today.
For more of Master Chan’s teachings, visit or see him on YouTube.
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