What is “Mystic Awakening?”
Mystic awakening refers to a simple yet comprehensive spiritual development process in which an individual actively seeks within to discover their True Self while also gaining a deeper understanding of the Universe and Its workings. This awakening is often marked by a profound sense of connectedness to Self, Source, and the world. In fact, when the timing is right, the Soul Itself will activate one’s desire to awaken.
Though motivated by a Soul’s determination, the ego is not yet fully conscious and connected. Thus, the journey can be filled with stumbling blocks and detours that deflect us from our Soul’s true purpose. Using the proven perspectives and practices of the ancient Ascended ET Masters adds clarity, eliminates guesswork, and makes one's personal journey of mystical awakening more meaningful and enriching.
One key aspect of mystic awakening is the growing realization that we are all one. This means that we are all connected to each other, to the natural world, and to the Universe/Source Itself. Though "connected" is the common term, it still implies the possibility of separation. However, it’s still useful from a 3D ego-based perspective. We actually are all that Source is. The journey is now and always has been a journey within — essentially, a journey to Here/Now. As the ET Masters have often said, “There is no ‘out there’ out there.” The true path is becoming increasingly aware of and experiencing Oneness within. Really comprehending this deeper, oneness-based perspective can lead to a great sense of peace and joy, as well as a desire to serve others and make a positive impact on the world.
Understanding how to embody and express Source (Oneness) Consciousness is the primary purpose of the ET Ascended Masters' teachings. Their wisdom allows us to accomplish more with less effort. It not only advances and accelerates our evolution, but liberates us from illusions — especially the subtle, sneaky ones not easily noticed — while increasing our capacity to embody and express Source Love.
Call it Spiritual Awakening, heaven on Earth (and beyond!), Reunion with Source, achieving 5D, or any other name — It really is already available to us. It’s a matter of learning how to experience It.
Another important component of mystical awakening is the development of intuition and psychic abilities. As we expand our awareness, as we tap into our Inner Knowing, we begin to access a deeper level of intuition. This allows us to tap directly into Source Consciousness and know and understand things on a more profound level. This facet of mystical awakening is particularly important, as mass consciousness and even our own psyche is saturated with very convincing illusions (false beliefs) that can easily misdirect even diligent and sincere seekers. The Mystic Awakening path taught by the ET Ascended Masters provides numerous ways of discerning Reality from illusion and both directly and indirectly developing clear intuition. This helps us to successfully navigate our path and/or entirely avoid pitfalls and unnecessary detours.
Some people may experience mystical experiences or visions as part of their awakening process. These may include encounters with angels, spirits, or other paranormal phenomena. While these experiences can be awe-inspiring, it's important to remember that they are not the ultimate goal of mystical awakening. Rather, they are simply part of the journey towards greater understanding and enlightenment. The ET Ascended Masters and Angels channeled by Jaraan wholeheartedly encourage connection with your Soul/Higher Self, personal guides, and angels in order to more harmoniously advance awakening and achieve Oneness. As the ET Ascended Masters have said, "There is no end to expansion, only an end to resistance to expansion." Ending this resistance is the first step. It can be liberating indeed! This allows the full, unfettered blossoming of the Soul.
There are many different paths one can take on a journey toward awakening. That's why there's so much diverse information out there. However, this can lead to conflicts and confusion as people try to integrate teachings intended for different levels of consciousness that may not apply at all to where you are on your path. However, Mystic Awakening taught by the ET Ascended Masters is a journey OF awakening. This distinction is crucial.
Regardless of where you are on your evolutionary path, the important thing is to remain open to new experiences, new ideas, and inspiration . . . and to be willing to explore the depths of your own consciousness. After all, the most amazing and profound treasures exist within your own being – and are often discovered hidden beneath the places we resist to explore.
Using the skills and developing the abilities of mystical awakening is a profound, life-changing experience that can bring greater clarity, understanding, confidence, inner peace, and a deeply fulfilling sense of connection to Self, Source, and the world around us. While it may not always be an easy path, the rewards are immeasurable, and the journey itself can be incredibly rewarding. So if you're feeling called to advance your evolution through a mystical awakening path, don't hesitate to take that first or next step of greater enlightenment.
With the right tools, everyone has the potential to achieve spiritual liberation. We also believe that though effort may be necessary, struggle is absolutely optional! We welcome you to embrace this wonderful opportunity to advance your own unique path through our comprehensive and empowering approach.
Visit www.JoyousAwakening.com now where you will find a number of consciousness-expanding, transformational resources and monthly live events to help you achieve your’s Soul’s noble purpose.
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