Intuitive & Transformational Sessions

Healing  🔹  Empowerment  🔹  Transformation 🔹 Becoming the REAL YOU

Have you been working on the same issues over & over with disheartening results?

Are you looking for a consciousness approach that incorporates your Soul’s Wisdom?

Do you feel determined to breakthrough your stuff and get on with living your Real Divine Self?

Hi, I’m SomRa An’Ryka, Spiritual Awakening Teacher, Facilitator, and Practitioner. I’ve personally been through the ringer in this life and others, and I bet you have too. Probably MANY times. I’ve been on a conscious spiritual awakening path since the mid-1980’s and a professional facilitator since 1989. Between then and 2016, I had:

⭐ Attended countless workshops and events
⭐ Learned and applied tons of techniques
⭐ Journaled through scores of personal processes
⭐ Received a jillion healings, readings, and channelings
⭐ Uncovered and resolved many limiting beliefs
⭐ Transformed countless personal stuff
⭐ And had many divine revelations and spiritual experiences
⭐ Including being a 5-time Walk-In….

And you know what???

Though I made tremendous progress in many areas,
I STILL never got to the origin of some of my most gnawing issues, let alone resolved them . . .
even some that mattered most to me. And I STILL hadn’t manifested certain long-held goals and heart’s desires.

I know, right?!

I dedicated my career to discovering what’s holding back Lightworkers, Starseeds, and earnest spiritual seekers like you from truly waking up to and living their Mastery. See, I was born partially spiritually awakened. I always knew I wasn’t from around here! And I never fully lost awareness of the higher dimensions. I could perceive through the distortions in humanity and the Earth Plane. And I knew the destiny of Earth’s glorious future . . . and my place and purpose in co-creating it.

But why was that glorious future taking so much longer than divinely planned??? Spiritual awakening of the majority of humanity was originally intended to occur around the year 2000 . . . and certainly by 2012.

My curiosity, dedication, and determination led me on a path of deep study, observation, and experience of both divine and human consciousness. Since childhood, I had always had the innate ability to perceive people on multiple levels without trying. Their energies, intentions, and distortions were usually as obvious as the clothes they were wearing. I noticed the incongruence between what most people said/did and the energy behind it. This was incredibly disconcerting, disturbing, and frustrating while living in a child body and having to take orders from such people.

But ultimately, it all contributed to my deeper understandings of consciousness. And these helped me assist sincere folks to heal, grow, and transform . . . and become that Real Light I perceived underneath all their confusions and illusions.

But it wasn’t till 2016 when something dramatic happened that would forever change me personally and professionally. It was as if all time stopped. I found out something was buried in my unconscious that was so significant that I had to drop all other spiritual growth work I’d been doing and focus 100% on this.

Before I share what it was and why it matters so much on the spiritual awakening journey, it’s important to mention that my whole life I’d had an exceptional memory, details included. It baffled the people who knew me personally when I’d say “You remember that Monday back in October 1977 when the weather was cloudy and we did . . . ?” Likewise, my clients would be amazed when I’d refer to something they’d said in a session 5 years prior. Most movies I could only watch once — unless I didn’t mind no surprises — because I could remember and discuss it all, even 20 years later. To me it was just normal and natural to remember almost every experience of my life as if it happened yesterday.

Now, HOW I remembered things is a different topic. But THAT I did has relevance here. But I was aware that I had several “fuzzy spots” and blanks in my memory tracks (and wondered why).

I also was keenly aware of what I called “a nebulous cloud” in my field. But every time I tried to see what it was about, I’d either zone out or fall asleep….

Fortunately, for several months in 2016 I’d been Zoom meeting with my adult stepdaughter Re’Zhae, an extremely gifted psychic intuitive. Each week we systematically tested her abilities as she was considering stepping into this as a career. I mostly asked her my personal questions that only I knew the answer to. Astoundingly, she answered correctly EVERY time in detail . . . and provided further information beyond what I was aware of. This gave me more insights into my own life and history.

It soon became time to take the testing to the next level. Having experienced memory flashes and hints from Spirit for a couple of decades that I had experienced some sexual abuse under age 3, I decided I was ready to find out what exactly had happened. So I brought some questions about my prior memory flashes to the psychic testing.

Re’Zhae provided insightful puzzle pieces. As this door in my consciousness opened more and more, I became more aware of odd body sensations and pains. As each one came up, I asked her what it was about. I also asked about certain long-term health conditions that just wouldn’t go away despite my lengthy efforts to heal them.

And then there was the answer that changed everything for me. It was about a specific molestation experience that at the time I had no conscious memory of. The details Re’Zhae provided correlated exactly with some events throughout my adult life. I was stunned. But even more stunning to me was that the molestation event happened at age 9.

WHAT??!! I remembered being 9. How was it possible that I didn’t remember this event???

Well, this sent me on a deep dive to find out. With her, a therapist’s, and the ET Ascended Masters’ help, plus extensive self-facilitation work, I embarked on a year-long, every-single-day quest to uncover and resolve every bit I could. I was determined to reclaim all my missing memories and FINALLY heal those long-term health and life problems, plus manifest my goals that were always somehow out of reach.

I wanted to know EVERYTHING my precious child-self endured. I felt she deserved to be seen, heard, and healed. And I wanted ME back . . . ALL of ME.

For our past experiences – and how they affect us – are all part of the journey to the Real Self.

Subsequently, I learned, awakened to, perceived, and came to thoroughly understand the complexity of human consciousness and how it all works . . . including its relationship to the Soul/Divine Self and Its True Purpose for incarnating (versus common mis-assumptions about karma). My higher perception opened up dramatically. And I was helping my clients at depths with resolutions no other practitioner or approach had been able to.

Re’Zhae and I also started doing intuitive sessions together too. We saw a HUGE need for what we could offer. Together, we were able to help people resolve issues and reach goals even faster!

Much of what I learned about trauma and its effects came from experts in the field such as Peter Levine, PhD and Dr. Gabor Mate and through my practitioner trainings in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), brain research courses, and other professional education. However, the bulk of my intricate understanding of consciousness, trauma, and its role in the Great Spiritual Awakening of Humanity came from direct personal experience, dialogs with the ET Ascended Masters, and my own Innate Knowing. This includes elements that science and research studies have no understanding (or have misunderstandings) about nor have any measurements for.

After all of this, it amazed me that so few teachers and healers were addressing the Unconscious in any significant way.

Depending on the who, what, when, where, how, and why of a person’s traumas and other conflicting experiences, emotions like shock, fear, guilt, anger, grief, and shame occur and become energetically “lodged” in layers of the auric field and body. They also become imprinted in the DNA and brain. Limiting beliefs and inaccurate negative interpretations of self and the world easily become established as a result.

These beliefs and interpretations cause any number of adult life issues with health, finances, relationships, etc. People can struggle with these troubling issues their whole lives yet never know why . . . nor how to truly release them for good.

Sometimes they manifest as weird symptoms, discomforts, and/or sensations (ascension symptoms).
And sometimes there’s no apparent manifestation at all.

Fortunately, you don’t have to know the details of every single trauma event your child-self experienced in order to heal them all. For many people, that would take too long! But you DO have to connect with the energy of them in order to release them. After all, you can’t release what you don’t own and acknowledge. Like with a packed closet, you can’t clean it out until you at least open the door and see what’s inside.

And then there are some traumas that you absolutely DO need to become more fully aware of – whichever ones your Soul wants you to for your spiritual development, evolution, self-discovery, expansion, awakening, and ascension.

Awareness = Light

The spiritual awakening journey is the
resolution and reunification of one’s consciousness.

We’re each solving our own unique puzzles!

Oneness within one’s own consciousness – meaning ALL that was unconscious is reintegrated into one’s conscious awareness of self – is an inevitable, integral, and necessary process to experiencing full Awakening and Ascension into 5D / Oneness. No compartments or aspects of your human consciousness can be ignored or “left behind.”

That can seem daunting, right? But you’re not here to do it on your own! Your Soul, Guides, and Angels are working with you! They’re continually directing you to resources, videos, books, teachings, techniques, practitioners, and new choices and opportunities that can contribute to your reunification.

And the really cool part is . . . with every release, healing, resolution, and reintegration, you also awaken to and reintegrate a part of your forgotten Real Self. In each trauma or other disturbing or confusing event, you automatically locked away many of the Precious Gems and Treasures of you: Gifts, Joy, Purity, Innocence, Peace, Creativity, Freedom, metaphysical abilities, and more!

The Real Divine Self Within knows the truth of Who We Are.

It’s waiting…nudging…calling….

Are you hearing It?

The shift can’t happen all at once. It’s too much and too overwhelming. So it happens layer by layer by layer. However, with all the shifts in Earth’s magnetics and the higher Light frequencies coming into the planet, it’s happening faster. This healing process of the unconscious can’t be held off or stopped for New Earthers. Rapid-release and realization approaches are needed. And trauma-informed and personally-experienced practitioners are needed . . . and going to be needed more than ever.

That’s why Spirit has now called me out of retirement
to offer private sessions again
during this pivotal time for humanity.


Re’Zhae and I are joining forces again too!

But we can’t work with everyone. And there’s only so much time in a day. We’re here for those who’ve addressed much of their conscious stuff and are ready (or have already begun) to delve into their unconscious and take their transformation to the next level.

This work is for consciously awakening Lightworkers, Starseeds, and Spiritual Journeyers.
For example, are you:

☑️ Dedicated to the truth, no matter how it may change your versions of “reality” and yourself, even if these changes feel uncomfortable at first?

And are you willing to:

☑️ Be honest with yourself about their thoughts, attitudes, feelings, and beliefs?

☑️ Accept responsibility for the “reality” you’ve manifested/attracted (even if the connections aren’t yet apparent)?

☑️ See your stuff as puzzles to solve and opportunities for greater awakening rather than just “problems” to “fix”?

☑️ Accept that the actual cause of an issue may not be entirely or exclusively what you remember or believe it is?

☑️ Accept that you are unconsciously holding trauma events and subsequent emotions, energies, and inaccurate beliefs that you’re not yet aware of?

☑️ Accept that there is likely more to your history and family of origin than what you’ve thought, assumed, been told, and/or possibly been emotionally attached to?

☑️ Question negative conclusions about yourself?

☑️ Accept that deep resolution processes take some time, attention, and self-work?

☑️ Accept that these transformational processes may not be as hard, scary, or painful as imagined?

☑️ Do the work regardless?

☑️ Be truly seen, heard, and accepted — the Light and the stuff — so that you can finally be free?

☑️ Experience the Unconditional Love and Acceptance of Source expressing through the facilitation process?

☑️ Practice letting Source Love dissolve what’s not Real about you . . . so that you can become the Awesome Being you actually are?!

(Willing means open, receptive, and consciously practicing these, not necessarily being perfect at them.)

If you answered YES to at least 90% of these, then we’ve got
an awakening breakthrough opportunity for you!

But to be clear, this work is NOT for people who:

⛔ Are brand new to personal and spiritual growth work.

⛔ Are merely curious about the process.

⛔ Are just looking for information or a psychic reading.

⛔ Prefer a slower pace.

⛔ Prefer an indirect approach.

⛔ Are looking to just clear their stuff without gaining the understanding and gifts.

⛔ Are committed to a victimhood stance.

⛔ Aren’t ready to feel the temporary stress and discomfort that naturally comes with the discoveries inherent in deeper self-work.

⛔ Insist that they “don’t belong here” and “just want to go ‘home’,” whether they consider “home” another planet or higher dimension. (These attitudes and emotions are actually diversions caused by hidden traumas. The Real Self absolutely WANTS to be here and is thrilled with the opportunity for expansion.)
⛔ Just want to “forgive and forget.” (Real transformation is about your relationship with yourself, not another person. And awareness, understanding, and reintegration hold the key to true healing.)

It takes a tremendous amount of energy to keep
all that old stuff in your body and field.

Imagine what life would be like if you had all that energy back!

💖 Imagine how energized, enthusiastic, peaceful, relaxed, joyous you’d feel!
💖 Imagine your brain power and memory function working better than ever!
💖 Imagine how much more easily you’d manifest what really matters to you.
💖 Imagine if all that energy could now be allocated to activities and creative endeavors dear to your heart.
💖 Imagine how much easier it would be to focus on your spiritual explorations and evolution.
💖 Imagine how glorious and serene it would feel to be able to stay attuned to Source all day everyday!

Scholarships or partial scholarships may be available.
If you would like to apply, CLICK HERE to fill out the application form. Someone will respond within 7 days.

If you would like to donate to our scholarship fund for those in need, CLICK HERE.

You can start with either a Transformation Session
or Intuitive Dual Session — or both.

  • For a Transformation Session, choose the FIRST-TIME CLIENT option if you’ve never received a private facilitation session with SomRa before.

  • For an Intuitive Dual Session, choose the FIRST-TIME CLIENT option if you’ve never received a Dual Session with Re’Zhae and SomRa together.

  • Multiple sessions over a series of weeks can accelerate your progress significantly.

  • See session details in the Frequently Asked Questions and About SomRa An’Ryka section below.

Check out our
Intuitive Insights

SomRa’s Client Testimonials

Frequently Asked Questions

  • After initial greetings, you’ll share your intentions: what issues, circumstances, and/or goals with which you want assistance. The more specific and important to your heart, the more effective we’ll be. For example, “I want to heal whatever is in my unconscious” is not an effective intention. We have to have a lead-in of something specific that really matters to you such as “I’ve always struggled with money and I’m ready to get to the bottom of it and heal. I want to live my Divine Birthright of Abundance!” Or “I have _____ (health condition) and I want to get to the root and heal it for good. I want my _____ (vitality, freedom, mobility, etc) back. I know there’s something blocking me.”

    I will then guide us through a brief meditation that establishes sacred space. In that process, I will speak an invocation that acknowledges and calls forth your Divine Reality. Our Guides and Angels will be gathering to work on your behalf.

    I will then be quiet several moments as I attune to Source and embody and emanate that Presence using approaches from the ET Ascended Masters who have trained and work with me.

    I then tune in to our gathered Guides and your field, looking at the roadmaps in your consciousness that show how to get from where you are to where you want to be. If you already have a sense of what beliefs, identity constructs, dynamics, and/or facades may be involved, we’ll talk about them then as we get into the process.

    Sometimes the roadmap reveals itself in segments as we go. This is usually because the next segment depends on what shifts, changes, releases, realizations, etc. occur in the prior segment.

    What techniques and approaches I use each moment are determined by Higher Guidance, your preferences, and what shifts in your consciousness as we navigate the maze. Some approaches, such as specific questions, messages, or humor, are expressed as catalysts and explorations to see what opens (or closes) in your consciousness, what connections are made, etc.

    Examples of questions I might hear to ask are: “What did you feel in that moment?” “What conclusions did you make about yourself as a result that experience?” “Who did you have to become in order for ____ (person) to approve of you?” These are of course general questions. Ones more specific to you and your unique situation will come through as well.

    Everything is highly-focused and has a purpose, no matter how casual it may appear at times. A relaxed, light-hearted yet non-diminishing and accepting state of being is aligned with Source and often most effective. I will never make light of your struggles, and I will be compassionately present with you if pain surfaces. My role is to facilitate you through each release and realization with as much ease and grace as possible. At the same time I will hold Light to your Soul Mastery and capability to transform.

    This is not an intellectual nor analytical process. It’s a unified mind-body-emotion-spirit experience. You are encouraged to express at any time what emotions, thoughts, body sensations, memories, and other awarenesses arise.

    In keeping with Divine Reality, I maintain a state of Unconditional Source Love and as such flow with Divine Light-Heartedness. Transformation is meant to be enjoyable, even in the midst of pain release. And even though all that each one of us humans created in polarity is illusion, it is very real to the version of self that experienced and is experiencing it. As such, I hold a space of Divine Compassion for you as you come to embody Divine Compassion for yourself.

    Before the session ends, our aim is for you to find yourself in a new, more Self-connected and empowered state. Tools, techniques, and resources will be provided as needed to assist yourself between sessions and for your ongoing noble journey of awakening.

  • No. But the process is therapeutic and at times can be therapy-like. While there isn’t really an Earth-language name for it, the closest term the ET Ascended Masters and I have seen and choose is “Psychospirituality.” Many articles and videos can be found online about this relatively new approach to uniting spirituality and psychology for personal growth, healing, and spiritual development.

    Our focus is on advancing the evolution of one’s consciousness. Healing deep trauma and other issues and their multifaceted effects is a part of spiritual evolution and awakening, but nowhere near the whole.

    We are approaching Psychospirituality from a much more expanded perspective than the term is currently used to describe. Our process includes:

    * One’s human ego personality (and all it contains)

    * The multidimensional nature of consciousness (not merely the mind)

    * One’s Starseed/ET Self that chose to incarnate (take on a human avatar in the Earth Plane)

    * Soul’s purpose, evolution, and mastery through lifetimes

    * One’s core Divine Nature of Wholeness, Perfection, and Oneness with All.

    One’s “issues” are within one’s Divinity, not separate from It. To hold the viewpoint of them as opposites is a mindset coming from polarity (the illusion). There is nothing that cannot be a part of Source. And therefore it is all Divine . . . and all, in truth, an expression of Infinite Source Love. The more you heal your unconscious traumas and release your identity constructs and their underlying dynamics, the more easily you can perceive the Divine Reality, Infinite Love, and Higher Purpose inherent in all experiences.

    While words cannot adequately express these truths, in relaxed attuned state with your Heart/Soul, greater understanding can emerge.

  • SomRa: The central approach I use is Source Attunement Facilitation™ which I’ve received from the ET Ascended Masters. Through specific attunements, I embody and emanate Source Presence on your behalf. The focus is on catalyzing your deeper realization and manifestation of the Divine Reality of You. What this looks like on the outside is a constructive dialog and energywork that helps unravel and dissolve anything that is NOT the Real You. With Higher Guidance and your active participation, we aim to follow the easiest, swiftest, and most graceful path to You as it relates to your intentions for the session. What needs to be resolved along the way does so without force or trying to make anything happen. It just does. Source wants this and is on your side.

    Some Channeled Sound and Love-Light Languages may also be utilized.

    Additionally, depending on what works best in the moment and for your unique consciousness, one or more of the following approaches and techniques may be incorporated: Intuitive Insights, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Matrix Reimprinting, Bilateral Stimulation (EMDR), Aroma Freedom Techniques (AFT), Intrinsic Coaching, Vibrational Aromatherapy, and various types of energywork.

  • After initial greetings, SomRa guides everyone through a meditation to create sacred space. Then you’ll share a brief overview of the topics you want insights about. Then you can either start with your most pressing question or SomRa and Re’Zhae will intuit the best starting point.

    Re’Zhae closes her eyes and focuses on your first question for a few moments while SomRa tunes into your Soul’s Directive and does energywork. In that quiet space, Re’Zhae receives the first set of images and messages. SomRa is simultaneously perceiving the correlating patterns and dynamics in your consciousness. With each answer Re’Zhae provides, SomRa receives guidance as to what question to ask her next. You can also ask a specific question that pops up for you related to the insights they both bring through.

    When SomRa and Re’Zhae find traumatized child aspects and/or past life aspects that are causing your issue or blocking your goals, they can then help these aspects through compassionate, intuitive dialog with them while you relax and receive. Alternately, SomRa may lead you through specific processes using techniques such as EFT that facilitate deep-level resolution.

    Also, if emotions, memories, and/or body sensations come up for you during your session, SomRa and Re’Zhae will compassionately facilitate you through them to greater freedom and clarity.

    Overall, it’s a fluid unfoldment as the waters of your consciousness are skillfully navigated. The events and puzzle pieces relevant to your inquiry reveal themselves step by step. The more open you are to knowing the truth no matter what it may be, the faster and easier the information tends to come through and shifts within your consciousness are made.

    We have an On-Target Formula we generally use. We provide:

    1. The forgotten original event(s) that’s causing the situation you’re inquiring about.

    2. Your resulting emotion(s) that is still residing in your consciousness.

    3. The belief(s) you concluded from the event(s) that are still affecting you.

    4. Why this is coming up now in your life.

    5. Your next steps to resolving them and therefore resolving your current issue.

    6. On-the-spot facilitation to accelerate resolution.

  • No. They are intuitive inquiry and facilitation sessions for healing, growth, and transformation. We don’t do future predictions. And it’s best not to ask “What’s in my aura?” That would take years to go into and is not really a productive question. It’s far more effective to start with an intention to resolve, realize, or manifest something specific that’s important to your heart. And then we unravel the puzzle together from there. Divine Guidance and Insights come through us (and possibly you too) along the way.

    The process is an interactive dialog with energetic adjustments occurring in your body, field, and consciousness as we go. Except during moments of quiet energetic work and intuitive listening, you are an active participant opening to connect with, release, and realize anything needed in order to remember and awaken to more of your Real Self . . . and ultimately your Soul. ✨

  • Benefits of a Transformation Session with SomRa versus an Intuitive Dual Session:

    * The dialog and facilitation focuses on body, mind, emotions, and spirit as a unified whole working together in alignment with your intentions, issues, and goals.

    * Is for times when you need facilitation and guidance as you “think out loud” and process your thoughts, feelings, and self-discoveries.

    * Working directly with a seasoned, spiritually-focused teacher can facilitate deeper spiritual understanding and realizations.

    * The dialog is more multi-dimensional and Soul-level focused while assisting your human self to attune to Source/Soul through whatever comes up emotionally in your process.

    Benefits of an Intuitive Dual Session versus working with SomRa or Re’Zhae individually:

    * SomRa is an expert at navigating the maze of consciousness. She perceives psyche barriers and diversions that a recipient often cannot recognize which cause the recipient to miss the best next question to ask that would lead to key information. SomRa will either speak this information or ask Re’Zhae the precise question needed for Re’Zhae to bring forth that information in the detailed fashion unique to her abilities.

    * While SomRa navigates the session, Re’Zhae is able to stay focused and tune-in to where intuitive insights are most accessible. To come out of that state in order to navigate the other elements of conducting a session sometimes slows down the process and reduces the amount of insights a recipient can receive in one appointment. Re’Zhae’s expertise lies in providing answers to the specific questions she is asked and healing help to the stuck traumatized aspects that need it.

    * Having an extensive educational background, experience, and understanding of consciousness, SomRa is able to provide additional science-, consciousness-, and spiritual-based information as needed to help the recipient understand themselves and the insights she and Re’Zhae bring forth.

    * Sometimes, particularly if a condition has existed a long time, it can be hard to feel confident that it will ever heal and resolve. Being facilitated by 2 resilient survivors of extensive trauma who have been through similar things as the recipient, walked through and released each pain, and come out the other side more resolved and empowered is double-validation that it’s possible. This tends to make it much easier for the recipient to feel safe, more relaxed, and therefore more allowing of the transformation they seek.

    * Being facilitated by both of them simultaneously can greatly accelerate transformations, desired manifestations, and spiritual awakening.

    * It’s like having 2 sessions in 1 . . . and at a lower rate than seeing them both individually. 😊

  • Both types are similar and produce similar results but in difference ways.

    A Transformation Session with SomRa is a more interactive coaching and processing facilitation along with intuitive insights working on patterns and dynamics in your consciousness that are causing your presented issues and interfering with the manifestation of your goals. Some details of relevant past events may come forth through SomRa or realized through you in the process. However, the focus in these sessions is more on your personal and spiritual development, inner connections, expanding awareness, self/Self-realizations, and increased Soul-embodiment.

    An Intuitive Dual Session with SomRa & ReZhae is more passive and fact-finding oriented. The focus is on finding the important details of events relevant to the issues and goals you’re working on. These details provide key missing puzzle pieces in your history to help your conscious mind know and understand what your child-self actually experienced. Receiving this knowledge and understanding can help your conscious mind accept the truth so that both your child-self and your now-self can progress more quickly to resolution.

    Many people have received both types of sessions within days or weeks of each other to progress their paths even more quickly and easily.

  • Yes — as long as your session intentions and questions are YOUR sincere heart’s desires (versus what you think you should want or must achieve for someone else, to be “good enough,” spiritual enlightenment, etc.).

    All issues and blocks to goals have underlying unconscious traumas and/or other conflicting experiences at the root. Therefore the process is the same no matter the subject.

  • Absolutely! If something unresolved from a past life is coming up we will address it with equal value. However, it’s important to be aware that unresolved themes and patterns from past lives usually play out in some way through a present life childhood trauma event. The trauma is usually not remembered and so it often goes unrecognized. But healing the patterns is most important. However it arises for you, we trust and follow your Soul’s Wisdom in the order It is solving the puzzle of you.

    It’s not uncommon for Re’Zhae and SomRa to find past life influences contributing to your issues. Additionally, SomRa and her Higher Team are equipped to address other metaphysical anomalies as needed, such as timeline and parallel life bleed-through, etheric alien implants, entity attachments, unresolved patterns from your ancestral lines that are adversely affecting you, and more.

  • No, that’s far too much data at once! We automatically perceive the energy patterns that are evident to us. In session, we perceive what is relevant to your intentions and what your Soul is directing to be addressed in the moment.

    We also perceive the purity of your Heart and the degree of Authenticity able to be expressed in the moment. SomRa emphasizes the Divine Radiance that You actually are, independent of all your stuff.

    When we say “perceive,” we mean a combination of intuitively seeing, hearing, feeling, sensing, and knowing simultaneously. For us, they are distinct but not separate from each other.

  • Your session will be via Zoom video call. Having your cameras ON is necessary and required.

    After you purchase your session, a calendar link will be automatically emailed to you.

    FIRST-TIME clients will have brief Intake Form to fill out at the time of scheduling.

    After you schedule, the Zoom link plus preparation instructions will be automatically emailed to you. Email us at if you don’t receive these emails within a few hours of purchase and scheduling (after checking your spam folder).

  • Transformation Sessions are currently available approximately 2:30pm-6:30pm Eastern Time most Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

    Intuitive Dual Sessions are currently available approximately 5:00pm-7:00pm Eastern Time on most Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

    If you are in a time zone or have a work schedule that prevents appointments during our regular hours, email us at . Let us know what days and times you are able to meet over the next 6 weeks. If possible, we'll aim to find an alternative, mutually suitable time.

  • Transformation Sessions: $77 deposit to hold your session time slot + $222 due at the end of your session = $299 total

    Intuitive Dual Sessions: $125 deposit to hold your session time slot + $272 due at the end of your session = $397 total

    Having a series of sessions close together can build a momentum of connected, rapid healing and transformation in a specific area(s) you’re working on. After your first session, you’ll be eligible for package discounts and combo packages that best fit your needs.

  • Transformation Session: Have a list of your most important issues and/or goals with which you want assistance.

    Intuitive Dual Session: Have a list of questions. Put a star by the 3-5 most important to you. Examples:
    “What’s causing my [health issue]?”
    ”I’ve been trying to create my ideal business. What’s stopping me?”
    ”I’ve always had this uncomfortable memory of _____, but I feel like there’s more it than I remember. Can you tell what really happened?”
    ”No matter what I do, I can’t seem to get anything done. What’s causing this?”
    ”What’s blocking my abundance?”
    “How do I resolve _______?”
    ”Have I ever been sexually abused?”
    ”I’m trying to decide on my next career path, but I can’t get clear. What’s blocking me?
    ”My child has been having nightmares. What’s going on for her/him?”
    ”My house has been on the market for months. What’s blocking it from selling?”
    ”My boss has been acting weird towards me lately. What’s it about?

    Regarding both sessions:

    Have paper, pen, water, and tissues handy.

    Information for joining the meeting and further details about how to prepare will be emailed to you.

    Also, be sure that you will be in a quiet place undisturbed for the entire session. Notify your housemates and turn off your ringers and notifications.

    Also, it’s best that pets NOT be in the room if possible. They tend to react in a distracting way when the Light quotient rises around you and especially when you start making core shifts in your consciousness and field. Their reactions draw some of your attention and energy away from where it needs to be — fully Within and on Yourself. However, follow your Higher Guidance and just do the best you can.

  • Yes. A download link will be emailed to you after payment is complete. Links to helpful resources relevant to your session will also be included when needed.

  • You can click the “Change/Cancel Appointment” purple button at the bottom of your original appointment confirmation email. If you can’t find it, email us at and our assistant will get you rescheduled.

    Note: Barring true emergencies, you must cancel more than 24 hours of your appointment time to receive a refund of your deposit or paid-in-full amount. If you reschedule less than 24 hours of your appointment time, the deposit amount will be retained to help compensate for your timeslot that cannot be refilled. Also please note, small business owners are still charged processing fees on any refunded amounts. Therefore, we subtract these fees (approximately 5%) from your refund. We appreciate respect for our time, energy, and expertise set aside for you when you schedule.

  • If you cancel more than 24 hours before your appointment time, you’ll receive a refund of the deposit amount, or paid-in-full amount — whichever you’d originally paid — minus the 5% processing fees that we are charged.

    We hold in high regard meeting agreements and reserving time for someone. We request that others do the same or not schedule. If a cancellation occurs in less than 24 hours, we cannot fill that slot and valuable livelihood time is lost — time that someone else could have benefited from. Therefore, we retain the deposit amount in the case of less than 24 hours notice. If you had originally paid in full, we refund all but the deposit amount minus the processing fees.

    However, if a true emergency or tech issue prevents you from receiving your session and if rescheduling is not an option, the deposit amount will be refunded at your request. We trust that you will exercise honesty and integrity about this. Thank you in advance for respecting the value of our time, energy, and expertise.

  • After your first Intuitive Dual Session, you may be a candidate for Re'Zhae's specific types of solo session work. We will be able to assess this and best direction to go if you are interested.

  • There are several possible reasons for this.

    1. If you were following a video or audio, the practitioner had to speak about common themes. They cannot intuitively navigate your specific blocks, barriers, beliefs, needs, etc. A video/audio can be very beneficial in helping you open some doors and make connections, or even have some emotional releases. But in order really navigate and unravel the complex patterns and diversions in your consciousness, working with a skilled, intuitive practitioner is needed.

    2. If you’re doing it on your own, particularly if you’ve never worked one-on-one with a practitioner, it’s difficult to recognize and connect with your deeper unconscious patterns that are causing the issue you’re tapping about. Thus you may not experience any notable releases, realizations, or resolutions. Self-EFT can be very effective at reducing acute stress, anxiety, anger, and other emotions. But working with a skilled, intuitive practitioner is usually needed to fully resolve their causes and heavy-duty and/or long-term issues.

    3. One of the keys to effective of EFT is being as specific as possible. The more general you are, the less effective it tends to be. For example, tapping while you talk about all the details of the issue is more likely to bring forward the various components in your consciousness and body that are causing that issue. If you are tapping about anxiety, you need to talk about the various sensations of your anxiety and the details of who, what, when, etc. that you’re aware of that trigger your anxiety. Tapping and saying, “All this anxiety, I feel so much anxiety,” may take the edge off if you’re anxious in the moment, but it won’t resolve the issue. In order to do that you much navigate to the real cause – which one or more unconscious traumas.

    4. There are many techniques with EFT. Most are not taught to the public because they require a practitioner to hold space and guide you through them in minute detail in order to be effective.

    There are many other reasons why you may not have gotten immediate and/or lasting results with your EFT attempts. EFT has an extremely high rate of permanent results. But it must be done in specific ways in order to achieve them.

    When I work with clients, I hear what their unconscious is saying, believing, and/or feeling related to the issues or goals we’re working on. Depending on what your Soul wants and the Higher Team guides in the moment, I will speak those beliefs/emotions which you will then repeat as we tap. This draws them forward into your conscious awareness so that they can make connections and realizations and release what needs to be released for resolution. I use a similar approach when guided during other types of energywork as well.

    These realizations and releases are a beautiful and sacred part of your healing and spiritual awakening. It is an honor to witness and be a participant. 🙏🏼

  • Trauma is often defined by the acronym UDIN. It’s an event that is:

    ⚠️ Unexpected

    ⚠️ Dramatic

    ⚠️ Isolating

    ⚠️ No help available (neither for protection nor to help the child process the emotional and psychological impact)

    There are what’s often called “Big T Traumas” and “little t traumas.” Big “Ts” are events such as abuse, neglect, major illness, death of a loved one, or humiliation. Little “ts” are events such as when a parent is disapproving, when the child didn’t get the Christmas present they wanted, falling out of a swing set, and so on. What governs the degree of traumatic impact on the child depends on many internal and external factors, not the events themselves. Regardless of degree, ANY trauma adversely affects the person until it is resolved.

    Here are some examples of traumas:

    ▶️ Every time a baby experiences not being fed when they feel hunger pains they experience trauma.

    ▶️ Every time a child has an illness, particularly if they feel pain or can’t breathe easily, they experience trauma.

    ▶️ Every time a child experiences loss – anything from a broken toy to the death of a pet, friend, or family member – they experience trauma.

    ▶️ Every time a caregiver became ill such that they were unavailable and unreliable their child experienced trauma from the withdrawal, uncertainty, and not having their emotional needs met. If an unloving adult with whom the child has not emotionally bonded stepped in to caregive, the child experiences more layers of trauma in the situation.

    ▶️ Every time a child witnesses or overhears a conflict, including on television, they experience trauma.

    ▶️ Every time a child is tickled or held down against their will they experienced violation trauma.

    ▶️ Every time a child goes to the dentist, especially if they have to stay still in the chair and have procedures done to them, they experience trauma.

    ▶️ If anyone in the home is harboring unconscious negative energies from their own unresolved internal issues – which is just about everyone on Earth – a child automatically feels that ongoing dissonance, can’t get away from it, and experiences ongoing discomfort and trauma that becomes embedded in the child’s consciousness makeup.

    ▶️ Every time negativity is projected onto a child by adults or other children, such as but not limited to being: yelled at; criticized; laughed at; ridiculed; humiliated; jerked; rushed; invaded; spanked; thrown; shoved; hit (including by siblings); looked at with disapproval or disdain; neglected or otherwise denied important care, nurturing, attention, love, and support; expected to perform or understand words, concepts, or abilities behind their developmental level; expected to “share” when they are discovering their healthy independence and boundary needs during the pivotal developmental age of 2; expected to take on inappropriate responsibilities such as taking care of a younger sibling or “parenting” a dysfunctional parent; and more . . . they experience trauma.

Experience an insightful discussion about healing
the Unconscious!

SomRa’s interview on Quantum Conversations with Lauren Galey: Turn on the Lights! Illuminate & Release Your Pesky, Elusive Blind Spots & Reclaim Your Divine Reality

About SomRa An'Ryka

SomRa An’Ryka is an ET Walk-In, Spiritual Awakening Teacher and Facilitator, Visual Artist, and Sound Channel, working in the fields of Energy Psychology, Psychospirituality, Personal Growth, Spiritual Development, and the Arts. Using a Heart-Centered approach, she assists sincere, self-responsible Truth Seekers, Starseeds, Healers, and Lightworkers to free themselves from their internal blocks to personal fulfillment and living their Divine Magnificence right here in the Earth Plane. SomRa is a representative of a path of Evolution, Awakening, and Ascension developed by a vast collective of ET Masters, many of whom Ascended from various worlds over 355,000 years ago. They offer unique and refreshing perspectives of what it’s all about – this Game and Experiment of descending into Polarity and ascending back into Unity Consciousness.

Since 1989, SomRa has been professionally teaching and facilitating individuals and groups, offering transformative perspectives, practices, techniques, mind-body-emotion healing, trauma recovery, and compassionate clarity. She facilitates through group programs, classes, and other offerings that support The Great Awakening towards Heaven on Earth. In 2024, she emerged from retirement from private session work per Spirit’s Directive to assist those ready to deep dive Within in this next level of personal growth and Soul Embodiment.

  • Education & Experience (abridged)

    Facilitator Education & Experience:

    Source Attunement Facilitation™ with the ET Ascended Masters
    Teacher Training of Source Attunement Facilitation™
    Spiritual, Energywork, & Bodywork apprenticeships
    Spiritual Awakening Teacher & Mentoring
    Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
    Matrix Reimprinting (MR)
    Matrix Birth Reimprinting (MBR)
    Soul Reconnecting
    Intrinsic Coaching®
    SomatoEmotional Release®
    Aroma Freedom Technique™
    Institute for Brain Potential
    Bilateral Stimulation
    Sexual Trauma Recovery
    Emotional Release
    Etheric Healing
    Channeled Sound & Energy Healing
    Advanced Breatharian Healing
    Chemistry of Essential Oils
    Emotional Release with Essential Oils
    Healing Oils of Ancient Scripture

    Additional Experience:

    Angels & Archangels
    Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)
    12-Step Programs
    Quantum Physics
    Energy Psychology

    The works of Dr. Gabor Mate, Peter Levine PhD, Dr. Robert Scaer MD, Wayne Kritsberg, Michael J. Lincoln PhD, Louise Hay, & others

CLICK HERE for info on SomRa’s Channeled Sound Work.

CLICK HERE for a Personal Channeled Sound Attunement with SomRa.

About Re’Zhae Ashley

Re’Zhae Ashley is a psychic intuitive gifted since birth with the ability to perceive auras, angels, energies, and higher guidance plus a heartfelt desire to help people. After religious negative backlash, she suppressed her abilities early on. They resurfaced in her mid 20’s after a breakthrough in her own personal healing and with much support, facilitation, and encouragement from channels and intuitive facilitators Jaraan and SomRa (her father and stepmother). She now offers intuitive facilitation sessions with SomRa and solo readings using her uniquely perceptive healing skills for recipients' personal and spiritual growth. She enjoys providing the detailed insights people need in order to heal and find their True Selves.

Re’Zhae received her first Reiki training from SomRa at age 10 and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Liberal Arts & Psychology. She is a working mom and loves travel, beaches, mountains, crystals, essential oils, and riding her motorcycle. Her dream is to do her intuitive work full-time and get a Masters Degree in Psychology.

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